Making bone broth tonight.... or roasting ox tail for a good cause (they say)

Yes! I am roasting Ox tail as I type this... wasn't my first choice to make bone broth with but I want to try to make it in the instant pot and it calls for 2 pounds of meaty bones and Ox tail was suggested. The package that I picked up with all the other soup or dog bones as some refer to them as, weighed two pounds. It was also meaty and on the list so in the oven it roasts. There are five minutes left on the timer, then it goes into a pot to simmer. The original plan was to do the 48 hour method on the stove over the Holiday weekend but since I am blessed with the honor of working all weekend the instant pot method was more appealing. So the ox tail is roasted and it really doesn't look bad! I suppose if I came in and didn't know it was Ox tail I might think it was a "rib" dish or something. It is "golden" looking as the recipe says it should be and into the instant pot it goes with 3 quarts of purified water and two tablespoons of apple cider...