Fire drills oh wait that is rea!!!!l

Ever start your day and think "wow today is going to go just right!" Yeah me neither... I arrived at my first MD office to do what needed to be done only to be told.. "sorry no can do". So I moved on to the next office where things went waaaay better. Heading down to the next office I received a very disturbing text. So I called the textee and ...what of course that is a word! I just put those letters together and made it. Obviously I do not have any followers so I can make words up and I did. Back to the subject at hand.. it seems someone gave the wrong type of insulin to another someone and that someone doesn't see well so of course trusting the person who handed it to them, injected himself with 3.5 times the amount that was ordered of that particular insulin.

His ordered dose is 10 IU and he got 35 IU and it was a fast acting not a long acting. So aborting the next stop was in order. As I tried to reach the MD for the resident I was also trying to give direction to the person who caught the event and tried to stop it. The person who created the event was in denial at first and then it became evident that yes indeed the error occurred and remorse was abundant but not what would help the situation. 

The next few hours would be spent trying to keep that person's blood glucose level where it needed to be. And then the lab girl shows up .. no problem there... until someone on the first floor calls a "code red in the SNF".  The lab person looked a little panicked and this dumb nurse says.."oh it is probably a drill they have been putting in a new fire panel and they have been having drills every day this week". This was true information.. Then the alarm company called.. Told them the same thing but that I could run down and check or transfer them. She choose to be transferred and the lab girl had gone to start drawing blood.

Well, I thought, I better go check on things and as I got to the first floor I was met by the nurse who had pulled the alarm.  It was real and smoke was billowing down through the vents in the North hall... which is below my second floor apartments. Heading back up the stairs as fast as my chubby legs would go I started going room to room on the second floor and the administrator was saying is it upstairs? I replied "NO it is in SNF! I'm just clearing this floor" but staff had cleared it already. (Nice to know some of the staff know what to do)

We got the second and tenth floors cleared and then I couldn't find the lab girl. It turns out she happened to see two residents stick their heads out of the beauty shop (on the second floor) and she remained with them until they could get down to the first floor. I ran the steps again to the fourth floor to make sure the Qmap there knew to SIP and keep track of her residents.

All said and done it turned out ok they got the fire out and no one was hurt and the insulin guy? Well we still spent the rest of the day shift taking care that he stayed above 100 on the BG. That is until someone came in to let me know one of my residents was standing out in the middle of the road....

How did your day go????????


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