If you are going to lie... keep 'em straight

It is the weekend! The littles were treated to a trip to the zoo with Auntie today. Usually she sends a boatload of pictures back via text messages... not this time! She said if she turned her eyes away for a second one or both darted off in different directions lol. I know the feeling all too well. We are homebodies for that very reason :) 

Not that we don't go anywhere but it is calculated when we do since generally I go it alone or with one of my adult kids. We strategically plan rest area trips and the night time stops etc... And there is very little shopping involved. Side trips... yes but shopping no.

While the kids enjoyed the outing I stayed behind and tried to clean one thing. Then the phone call came, it seems a brand new employee couldn't make it to work... again. These are things I am so over with it's like last year, I am so over it. I chatted with the person and let them know this is the last time. In fact they could just come and see me on Monday and we would discuss their future with our building at that meeting.

Well it is Monday and that person never even called to see if I had changed my mind. Maybe she was not sure she could keep her stories straight, maybe I am a big meanie and I scare people. I do know one thing... I am not hiring the next people I get. Someone else is going to have to waste their time trying to figure out if they will show up or not.

Perhaps new questions like "say our shifts starts at 0600, what time do you plan on showing up if hired?" "Does four days a week sound like you can do it or is that too much?" Perhaps it would be better to just give them a blank calendar and say "just write in whatever time you think you might be able to show up and we'll go with that".

Well that said it was another day of "what hoop can I jump through next?" I spent twenty minutes in Walmart and forgot to buy yogurt so I broke out the two yogurt makers and now they are plugged in and perhaps tomorrow there will be 1 quart container and five little 6 ounce containers ready. I say perhaps because I usually just do it in the oven and call it good but these have been taking up space in my cupboard and I should see if they still work before donating them.

How can you spend that much time in Walmart and forget yogurt? But just in case you are wondering it is super simple to make yogurt at home even without a yogurt maker. Any milk will do but avoid ultra pasteurized, first heat the desired amount of milk to about 180 degrees in a heavy bottomed pot or crock pot if you have all day. Then let it cool to about 110-115 degrees stir in at least 3 tablespoons of plain yogurt with live active cultures (Chobani plain works great!) Mix thoroughly. Pour mixture into quart jars or a small crock from a crock pot and cover, then wrap the containers in a thick bath towel and place in an oven with the light on and the door closed for at least four hours, the longer the better. 

If you take it out to check it and the milk has not set up yet put it back in and wait longer. I just leave mine till I get up the next day. Then I line a colander with a cheese cloth and balance it over a pan. I place this in the refrigerator and go about my day. I may go to work even and not worry about it. When I come back to my mixture it is the consistency of Greek yogurt. I then mix in my flavors that I want in different jars and I try to use it up within a week.

Leftovers are good for the chickens! I save some of the plain for my next batch but if I forget I buy another single serve plain and that works too! 

Have fun making yogurt! Really it is hard to not do it right even if you mess up a bit.


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