Armed Forces Day

Today is Armed Forces Day. Not something taught that often in school any more. But it is important, it is a day that was started to recognize those who serve the country, all the armed forces not just one branch. Our particular family is one that has multiple branches represented. So for us the day may seem prominent. I suppose that families that do not have military ties may honor this day too. Growing up I only remember hearing of this day in grade school. only vaguely. We didn't color pictures or have parties around it, but somehow I do remember that it was taught.

As my own kids went to school they did not seem to hear about it at school. We still honored it and Flag Day, Memorial Day, Veteran's Day, 4th of July and the other more well known holidays. Then came homeschooling.. this frees families up to recognize what they find important. All that said.. How do you teach the importance of and the history of a day that isn't acknowledge by the society as a whole? 

It is a little bit easier if your town is located near a military base or two. Or if you are from a military family... but what about those who do not serve? Or have no family history of service? Is this Saturday any more than just that? Another Saturday in May?

Who knows for sure... So thank you for your service , all those who serve. We will be reading "Over There" today to help the Littles realize some families don't have Mom or Dad in the house because they serve. In case you weren't aware... it is the third Saturday in May... every year.


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