Free Plant food, motion sensor LED bulbs, asparagus and rhubarb....

Who knew?! I have been scooping water out of the fish tank for years now.. okay it was fish jar before last August. But still it is great for starting pants! So I have been watering our plants with the "fish" water for as long as we have had fish. But I didn't realize it would be good for starting say, a spider plant. I am going to try that on my sweet potato sprouts and see what happens!

I am thinking of buying some motion sensor LED lights. Not sure what brand might be good but today when I go out to look for a first birthday gift today I think I will price these and see if I can find something that might work for us. It is hard to believe that one year ago "squeakers" was born! Tomorrow is her party. Her mom is having it in the chapel at our work, lots of room all the guests!

The weather is very cloudy but no rain so far so the clothes are going on the line any way. All the chicks are getting their feathers and don't seem all that bothered by the cooler weather or the wind today. Wish I could say the same for me :(
 A few weeks ago we were visited by a flock of yellow headed blackbirds and boy were they vocal!! Very pretty as they gathered in the trees.
I looked them up online, because it is impossible for me to get to a library in a reasonable amount of time, and that is where I read what they might be and that they are native to Utah. Sounded reasonable so that is what I went with.  :)

Tonight is Baked potato night so I need to dig through the pantry and see if there is a can of chili and some broccoli in the freezer for toppings. I have spent most of today doing not what needed to be done but what I felt like doing. So I best get up and do what needs to be done :) 

LED bulbs- I looked and looked but could not find motion activated bulbs at our Walmart so I settled just for some 60 watt equivalents. Now to decide where to put them. The motion activated were going to go into the dining room area. I'll need time to think about these. But of course while I was out I needed to hit the feed store.... and guess what they had!!

Two little fuzz-butts!!!! The kids have named them Ellie and Alexis... yes they are pullets so the names fit. Not the best picture of the cuties but I'll get better ones later. They are golden laced cochins. It should be interesting to see them once they feather out.  DH was not happy that I picked up only two. So... might have to visit the feed store again!

Out in the yard the asparagus and the rhubarb are popping up and for the first time in 15 years of rhubarb growing DH has taken an interest in "weeding" the patch! The same for the asparagus bed! Last Fall I neglected this badly :( but there are a few spears poking through the dirt any way!

There is already enough rhubarb to make something out of it I am debating between rhubarb tea and strawberry rhubarb pie. But I really want to see come up is watermelon!!!
Bye for now! Gonna go make some vanilla chai spice blend.


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