To Rain or Not to Rain on this Birthday parade.

We have had gloomy skies for three days now and no significant amount of moisture to justify it. Of course in town they have had plenty just none to speak of out here. It has been too cold to swim and too windy to play much outside. But today was the baby's first Birthday party so we were going out whether or not it rained.  

My friend had asked to borrow a punch bowl and of course I said yes... and then for three days had nightmares that I forgot the punch bowl. So when I got up this morning I washed that punch bowl and put it in the car! Then it was time to package the gifts and drop the littles off at "aunties" for some much needed quiet time for me. Before the party began birthday baby and I went to the store. She got to ride in her new big girl seat!
Then we met up with mama and miss Sandy dressed her up in a beautiful dress and mama put her tiara on!

The kids that came to the party played the piñata and lots of treats fell out! But none for the Birthday girl :(

Happy Birthday!
Little One!


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