0740 appointment?! What was I thinking?!?!?
I wish I could say I was in my right mind when I made an appointment for the youngest at 0740 in the morning, but I couldn't have been. Really, who would make one that early for an 8 year old if they didn't have to? Apparently, I would and did. We made it on time and early for once. A miracle to say the least. It was a good appointment or in the 8 year-old's own words "the best appointment ever".
For months we have had to raise our voices at Little Miss to get even a mild response, now I know why. She failed her hearing screening on the right side hearing not even one sound the machine gave and missed two of the sounds on the left. Add these to significant vision challenges and it's no wonder she doesn't like schoolwork.
We left with lots of follow up appointments and an inhaler in response to our "coughing fits" description among other symptoms elicited during the exam. The rest of the afternoon has been spent trying convince another occupant of this house to use a walker when first getting up to reduce the "wobbles" when he walks. I give up, there is no reasoning with stubbornness, so why frustrate myself trying.
Today the weather was very nice so messing with the chickens is in order. Also, finishing up cooking the pumpkins for pumpkin puree is a top priority. Notice how laundry and dishes are not mentioned? I am avoiding them today. No particular reason just don't want to deal with them.
That was all on Thursday, then Friday we had an ophthalmology appointment that went south real fast! All it took was telling Little Miss that she was going to get eye drops. Of course this was after they had told her no eye drops this appointment. She went into full panic mode and it took three of us to hold her down even then it was a total struggle for both unicorns and myself. Yes I did say unicorns.
Of course from the look of this innocent child sitting in the exam chair you would never guess the turmoil that took place to get her there. Even with the new glasses and the strict patching schedule we planned out, the eye doctor is pretty sure surgery is in our future.After a trip to Costco to order new glasses and a chicken for dinner we headed back home. It was all hallows eve and there were still things to ready for Halloween night itself. We had candy bags to ready for the party at my daughter's house and last minute adjustments to the costumes or should I say costume as the oldest kiddo was sick with a cold and staying home.
The big night arrived and neither of the kiddos missed going door to door in the cold. We made bags of candy for the few kids in the neighborhood and drove around in the van and did a "reverse" trick or treat. The youngest left the warmth of the van and set an appropriate amount of bagged candy on each porch and then yelled "trick or treat" and returned to the van to watch the results of her efforts. Indeed I saw her enjoy watching as other kids found her gifts!
I did not miss the door to door version of this holiday and hope to not see it again anytime soon. The older kiddo did get to participate in the "trunk or treat" at our church and was super excited that she had over 100 pieces of candy and did not have to walk a neighborhood in the dark to get them... so was I.
The grand dog doing a better job at being ladylike!

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