Can you babysit my dog for the day?

 This request should have been turned down, but it wasn't. It seemed an innocent request.. I mean really what could happen? We will never know. As the day requested came and left without the arrival of an extra dog. About noon I sent a message to my neighbor asking if I needed to come get the little darling or was she bringing him over? 

I received a reply that their appointment was cancelled so the puppy would remain home. The reason for the request in the first place was that four of their female dogs were in heat and the puppy had no pants to keep it in. So I offered up our largest kennel as a solution. I was rewarded with a plate of homemade cookies! That's why you don't turn requests down!

This week has been full of things to do, like fish the cover of the pool out of the depths of the water. Place more inner tubes in so there is more lift. Tighten the cover after all this is done and get more leaves off the surface of the cover. Go to the bank find out if the check for my nursing license cleared. Figure out what to do based on that discovery.

Many days have passed since the start of this post. Many things have also changed, technology in my life was going good or so I thought I learned to "zoom". Planned to "zoom" with an old friend today in fact. Plans change, phone crashed it is not salvageable. Tomorrow I go shop for a phone. The sad part is all of my info for all my new skills were saved in that phone.. no where else just that phone.

There really is a need for paper and pen... just sayin'. I cannot access anything without that information... grr! Well enough whining gotta get back to the kiddos and the lessons. Oh! One thing accomplished though my nursing license did get renewed!

With that I will close and try to figure out how to zoom again..


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