How much does that closet hold?

 Two days ago we were planning a trip across country. Today I was emptying the closet in the Master Bedroom. Why you ask? Because to take a trip across country I must have someone come and stay in my home to care for all the animals. That someone has 3 children and two of them are boys. All boy, boys. This means what one doesn't think of the other one does. Therefore I need a gun safe, beings we did not get the home I had in mind I need to make room in the one we did get.

It has been a week of rearranging and donating stuff. It may turn into two weeks of this. There is that much more to do! I am still a hoarder after all that burned some habits don't die easily. Mostly I am a procrastinator... that makes me a hoarder by second nature not first. 

You see I like to sew, therefore I buy fabric. Then the procrastinator takes over and says let's do that project later. Then another innocent trip to the fabric store to buy something... anything, results in more fabric coming home for a "wonderful project!", that I will do "someday" but not right now I am busy!

So the procrastinator wins and makes me a hoarder and I don't want to be a hoarder. Now I must decide what to do with all the "projects". As I write this the youngest comes in to complain she cannot see the television because of the stack of stuff. Guess I better get up and figure out what to do😙


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