I don't know about you but for me a list is essential! It's like underwear... almost. You can go without it but why would you? I personally forget at least one thing that I go to town for without a list if not more. Sure if you live right next to say... King Soopers it is not that big of a deal but when you live 22 miles from the nearest King Soopers it becomes more essential to carry a list.
Last week I made a trip to town just about every day. Of course, every day I forgot to buy "C" batteries. The new otoscope that I had purchased required that size where my old one took "AA". We always seem to have that and "AAA" batteries scattered about so remembering this one size shouldn't be that big of a deal. I finally remembered the batteries when I ran to Costco on Saturday.
Starting the list the night before is helpful for me also. It contributes to getting things off my mind. Lately my mind has been jam-packed with "to-do's". With the nice days I struggle to keep the kids indoors for schoolwork when such nice weather begs for attention. However, a lot of the work I need to do is indoors. There is a lot of outdoor work too so it is best to let the indoor work slide on nice days.
Hanging laundry is an outdoor activity but we live in a wind tunnel so unless it is an anchored clothesline you best not hang things out of doors😊 Right now I do not have a clothesline of any type. That said I am using my dryer more than I would have if I did have a clothesline. Using my dryer though does provide a nice warm room to sprout fodder for the chickens. This is a picture of 3 day old fodder for my chicks. It is red wheat. Hopefully by day 7 it will be big enough for them to enjoy.
Today I started soaking the mung beans for the humans and for the chicks. I plan to start my hydroponic garden today or tomorrow but I need to go buy a fish for the tank first so if I get to town it might be today. We did not go buy fish so the hydroponic garden did not get started. I did remember to vote yesterday and today I sent DH to town for inner tubes to use to hold the pool cover up. Hopefully that will be a fun task for him. In the mean time I will look for the checkbook and get stuff done here at home with the screaming banshee... I mean the darling little children underfoot.
Mung beans for sprouting.

Wheat berry sprouts for the chickens.
This afternoon we were 15 minutes into quiet time, which was not quiet by any stretch of the imagination, when Costco called to say that the glasses we ordered came in. Not wanting to miss any more time reading or writing for #10, I called the kiddos out of their room and instructed them to get in the party van.
We don't have quiet time every day but today it was needed as they refused to go outside and play even though it was in the 70's out there. One child spotted a wasp and that was the end of any outside time. Also, if I were to hear "she's looking at me" one more time there might be permanent quiet time.
Now picture three very excited girls running out to the van and talking about getting to go to a store. They went readily to the same outdoor area to get into the van that they would have been playing in except for having seen a wasp.
I am not a hurry up and leave person normally or at least I don't think I am. So as I go around the house trying to make sure I have what I need to get there and back without trouble I glance out the door... and there they are in the van, with all the doors wide open! Apparently no fear of a wasp flying into the car with them. Deep down I have a mean streak. As I climbed into the van I asked, "is that a wasp flying around back there?". The screams were worth the prank!
When we go to town in the party van we must return before dark as the fuse for the running lights is burnt out and I don't like the idea of being rear ended on a two-lane road... or any road for that matter. Replacing the fuse has not made it to any list yet. All in all the trip was good for the kiddos. They enjoyed Costco and made all their wishes known. Too bad Santa wasn't there to hear.
It is time to say good night and hope for the best in everything and prepare for the worst. Perhaps I could get a job with the Coast Guard...
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