
Today is Thanksgiving. We all have things to be thankful for. Some more than others, but if nothing else we have our lives. Family, is a given for most but not all. We cannot fix the world alone, and that's where we have to turn it over to God before he turns us over to Satan. 

I joke about procrastinating but this is not something we need to joke about. Actually, I take my procrastinating very seriously! This was my answer to using spiral notebooks to organize the school day...  When you get up this morning imagine where you came from. Were you just an accident or a plan between your parents? Do you really know what your life is about? What your purpose is? I thought I did. 
I know now that I didn't. 

When I get up each day whether it be 0300 or after 0700 my first thought is not to thank God for my upcoming day, it should be. But usually I am scolding a dog or two as I trip my way to the door to let them outside before they piddle on my carpet. Today was no different. They chewed on my shoes, destroyed another toy and were contemplating an attack on a unicorn slipper... what's next?

It's anarchy! Heathen dogs! Well now that I have had my say it is time to make rolls, cranberry sauce and brussels sprouts to take to my daughter's home for dinner.

I hope everyone who may read this post is blessed beyond measure and is able to find something to be thankful for today and always!


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