As Summer comes to an end...

 It is the end of the first week of August and the weather is changing. The nights are quite cool and the days are enough to singe your skin. The urgent things on my to do list are not all the way completed but getting there. Still 3 trees to go and I am making those my mandatory for this weekend. The smoke in the air from distant fires makes it difficult to breathe at times. I can only imagine how difficult it is for those closer to the actual fires.

There has been some work on the henhouse and we have added an entry fence that helps tremendously! 

DH widened the fence line for the turkeys too.

He also made a north entry opening so when we separate the genders the girls can get out of the house without joining the males.

When we slapped the bottom boards on last spring we knew we were creating work for later. The boards were overlapping the other boards and siding the building would not be right without trimming them. DH worked hard and got the turkey side trimmed and also was able to install supports for the insulation and nest boxes on that side.

It will be my job to clear the chicken side next of straw and make room for him to do the same on that side. The ducks will be last but not least. We seem to be on track to be done by October and that is the goal completion date. 

Next week brings a little set back as the neighbor has to have help with her grandkids. The day care they use is shut down due to a case of Covid so the littles are without care for 10 days. They need help Monday through Thursday 6-6. The neighbor south of us and I are trying to figure out the best plan of attack.

Of all the weeks to need us that is the week when appointments will need to be changed or cancelled to help. The calendar is packed full every single day. Add to that the first day of school for mine is Wednesday and I have my grandkids too and it should be a real circus around here!

Yesterday was crazy, the youngest decided to clean her shoes in the bathroom basin at the end of the day. Oh and the lovely blue ring in the sink? Yes that is crayon, someone needed to know if it works on smooth surfaces. 

The oldest decided to open a jumbo can of beefaroni for a snack and left it on the counter covered with a paper towel. The aroma was too much for some dogs to resist! They got the can down but not without splattering sauce 4 feet up the wall. 

The youngest saw them eating out of the can using no manners at all, so she emptied the can into four separate clean bowls. No sense not being fair right? Where was I you ask? Outside taking care of the yard birds, getting fresh water into all the tubs.

Those are just a couple of highlights of the chaos that was Friday.


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