First week of the new school year done.

Today is the first Friday of the school year. While I believe strongly  in homeschooling, this year I cannot do it. We found a nice school that goes to 8th grade and hopefully we can stick it out for the full year. Of course who knows what will happen with the virus and all. I am just tired right now. My commitment level to homeschooling has fallen off this past 9 months. Not that I do not feel it is best, I do. But my patience with the youngest is thin and frankly at the end of the day I am done. Sometimes way before the end of the day.

Wait till you see what is under her!

Some birds cannot wait to be served

With that I justify my decision to put them back in the care of others. In fact as I type this the two were fighting in the pool. 24foot around and 4.5ft deep and they have to be right next to each other picking. The same thing in the house the first floor is easily 1800 square feet and they must be within 1.5 feet of each other, picking. The tormenting became too much, they are both out of the pool for now.

These turkeys are getting along better than the kiddos

These girls got tired of waiting for us to get home

This girl is just tired

Only half were under the chicken

We might have 2 months of pool time left before it will need to be winterized. I am happy for them to go in just about anytime of the day. But when they start picking at each other and screaming help for no reason (which is against the swimming rules) it is time to end the "fun".

Today was hot but not as hot as it has been. Still it was too hot for the littles to be out for very long. So after the animals were let loose for the day and the eggs gathered, or in the case of the littlest one, her egg! We went inside and worked on decluttering the family clothes closet. I have two bags ready, one for the neighbor and one for donation. There is still half a closet to go. 

A supply of blankets was uncovered in the cleaning of the closet. That was a cool thing to find. For my next trick I will get the floor of the closet uncovered! That really will be a trick! This whole closet mess is going to take at least another two days. I am done sorting mine and the girls' clothes and getting winter coats out of their storage bags. Now it is time to convince DH to sort his things.

With that I will close for this week and send pictures once the closet is complete!


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