Chickens, Turkeys and Ducks or the Birds and the Bees...

Today started out the first of our many appointments for August for the kiddos. I don't tally the adults that often as one would wonder how anything gets done. Oh wait not much does... No bother on to today. The youngest had an appointment at 0940 this morning so I made a deal with my daughter to keep the other one until we were done and then swap out the older for the younger so I could attempt to find school clothes.

When that was finished I loaded up my two and her oldest and headed over to the older kiddo's friend to give a very belated birthday gift. I almost forgot that the day started out with an almost flat tire... yep same tire different day. So I left that car at home and took the party van. Once at the friend's house the oldest gets invited to play for a bit.

Friend's house but Party van is to hard to maneuver into driveway for four houses...

Protests from the youngest were loud and long. Nonetheless the oldest stayed behind with the friend. We three noisy travelers headed home. Once there I let DH know that I would be leaving to get a few groceries and he would have the two kids to keep an eye on. That was a mistake in retrospect, but we will get to those details in a bit. The poor abused and neglected, yet loud littles were fed popsicles by the handfuls.

Strutting for the ladies

Waiting for the signal

Barnyard romance

After separating turkeys and chickens I started to leave as my son and DIL pulled up with branches and debris from the house in town, on a trailer of course. So I invited DIL to ride with me to the store. We left the two younger ones in the care of the men, two men, two kids. Seems pretty fair.

We returned about 90 minutes later with groceries and a third kid. I Dropped DIL at her trailer door and headed over to the house to unload my groceries. Both younger girls were playing near the chicken house and all seemed well. Another mistake on my part. At first I thought the young ones decided to play "hundred layer challenge" as their clothes had been changed. No time to ponder, I needed the bathroom. My former "Winnebago-size" bladder no longer co-operates. 

On entering the bathroom I am overcome by a lovely Hawaiian breeze aroma. Immediately I notice the Febreze spray on the counter. It was brand new when I set it in the cupboard before leaving for the store. Now it is less than half full. The youngest will be the one to ask... if I dare.

Outside, all three girls are frantically recalling the events that occurred in my absence. It seems that an event that caught the attention of the girls two nights ago has reared its' ugly head again. One of the ducks is being mean! It is constantly picking on the smaller ducks, specifically Raisin... a girl duck. Now I won't go into detail but suffice to say the offender is "trying to drown Raisin". 

Not to worry though, while we were gone the youngest jumped into the duck pond and saved Raisin! That explains everything! The changed clothes, the Febreze over use and the wet clothes in the floor of her bedroom. It is the barnyard truth!

Now I did confer with DH and ask what he knew of the event... nothing. Although, it did bring laughter to the both of us I am sure that only one of us is going to have to explain the situation... eventually.

With that I bid you good night.



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