the weekend is too short!

As the nights cool down and the crickets get louder it is obvious that summer is coming to an end. The garden was not as successful as it could have been but lessons were learned. Sometimes, no most of the time I feel as though I am just going through the motions of life. I am not sad, it is more like existing. There are things I want to do but probably won't get to do. Mostly because interest is not there like it used to be.

That and there are so many things I want to do. Today the wind is blowing pretty good. I miss living where there are four distinct seasons, but three seasons with a bonus season whenever all four show up, will have to do. There are at least 5 dozen eggs on hand today, got to find homes for them. I can use 2 dozen in egg bites for the week. And the neighbor might take 2 dozen if they are white...

Yesterday there was a rare swim

no fighting or arguing occurred!

Today after all the eggs are sorted and packed, I will have to go to town I think. I need a zipper for a skirt. That said skirt must be made this afternoon. I have decided that I will not go to town today as we have to go tomorrow for school drop off and pick up anyway.
First skirt, a zipper will make it easier to put on.
Second skirt, she likes it too!

More than half of the eggs are taken care of. The neighbor ended up with 39 as that is how many white eggs were gathered. Two dozen eggs were put into the freezer. Two dozen were tossed as they did not lay flat in the water. There are still 49 chicken eggs to do something with and 5 turkey and 6 more duck eggs. That is just the young chickens. There are 3 dozen green eggs to deal with too.

As I was leaving the driveway to go to town, there was a package at the gate. To my surprise it was the zippers that I had ordered that weren't due for another two weeks. So no need for town. A new refrigerator for eggs and we are all set.
Have a great week!


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