Turkey trash!

Good morning! Earlier, in another post I referenced and four page rant of things that needed to be done around here. One of those things was to clean out the chicken coop. Well that includes the duck side and the turkey side. The inside cleaning is my job. It includes taking out all unnecessary items and removing all of the straw bedding. I am happy to report that at least the turkey side is complete. 

Lots of straw to move

making progress!

Almost finished!

With that said walls need to be built and nest boxes put in place. Also the whole house will be wrapped in Tyvek to prepare it for winter. I joked with DH that I needed at least a 2 day break before I attempt the chicken or duck area. I hate to say it but it wasn't really a joke.

This morning brought a continuation of a lack of service on my cell phone. Frustration is elevated today and I get my two day break from straw removal but the work is replaced by children. The grandkids are here for two days.

There are only 8 days left to get ready for the school year. The youngest is almost done. I think shoes are all that is left. The other kiddo is another story. Nothing except school supplies have been done for her.

With the henhouse still having an open area on the bottom I had to rearrange the sleeping arrangements for the occupants. Chickens remained in their pen, ducks eventually made it indoors. The male turkeys stayed in their outside pen with the flap closed. Lastly the female turkeys were corralled in the duck pond area.

All went well until this morning when I let the ducks out of their little door area. As they made a mad dash for the pond they knocked a turkey into the pond. She was flapping and squawking as the grandkids arrived. I couldn't let her flounder so kids had to wait. I grabbed the nearest thing, a plastic tub, in hopes that I could get her in it and not have to get into that yucky water.

On approaching the pond I realized she was standing only chest deep but panicking (as was I). Using the plastic tub I swished her toward the ramp. She emerged, shaken, but safe. Perhaps emotionally scarred for the rest of her life. No therapy for her, but her life was scheduled to be short so it will be okay. 

Today I hope to finish planting trees and sew some projects up. Until then I will be chasing a little one and trying to salvage a bit of sanity!

Have a great day!


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