Oh where, oh where, can my ID be? I just had the thing one week ago in order to pick something up at the base. For the life of me I cannot find it now. I had been being really good about putting things where they belong, but not this time. This caused me to cancel an appointment as it is needed to access the base. I don't mind rescheduling, but I am frustrated that this item is missing. While I hope to find it as I organize things for company, I may not. That means making an appointment to get another one. This morning involves taking the older kiddo to the orthodontist to fix a wire. Today is cleaning the entry living room or whatever you call this incredibly small room. It should not take very long. The laundry room is after that. Also, an incredibly small room, packed with everything that just gets set down by others and then abandoned. Three days and a wake-up until company is due to arrive. We spent an hour at the orthodontist office, walked to the grocery store so that my da...