Nursing homes versus Assisted Livings
The other night when I took SIL out for a bit, the conversation turned to safety as it often does, she stated she did not understand why she cannot just come and go as she wants. I went over all the reasons again, much like every time she asks. She then reached into a cup holder of the car and picked up my name tag from one of my workplaces. It was one from a nursing home. I asked if she understood the difference between a nursing home and an assisted living. She said she did. She asked me which I thought was better. I explained that I thought while they both had good points, I felt nursing homes provided a better value and environment for the money.
She was quiet. Much like the "safety talk" quiet. ALs are a hotbed for depression. You are left alone to entertain yourself. You may get invited to activities, but you are not "in your face" encouraged to go. If you refuse, they will not bug you. In the NH setting not only will they bug you, but multiple people will also bug you. In AL They will come let you know an event is occurring but if you decline, well that's on you. It can be a very lonely place to be. Not for everyone, but for those who are already "friend" challenged it can be a real nightmare.
She told me it gets very lonely at the AL. On a side note, most weeks one of us is there visiting for at least an hour each day. There are exceptions, this being VBS week it was every other day. I think she would be happier in a different setting. Not sure exactly what that setting would look like, other than she wants to be at home with us. Today her OT person discharged her from therapy. Not because she made so much progress, no, sadly she made no progress. Our plans for the "cottage" are on a pause setting, there are many things the county requires, to include an occupancy certificate. It is going to take much more time than I anticipated. Finding and moving to a house with a cottage would take less time!
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