Oh where, oh where, can my ID be? I just had the thing one week ago in order to pick something up at the base. For the life of me I cannot find it now. I had been being really good about putting things where they belong, but not this time. This caused me to cancel an appointment as it is needed to access the base. I don't mind rescheduling, but I am frustrated that this item is missing.

While I hope to find it as I organize things for company, I may not. That means making an appointment to get another one. This morning involves taking the older kiddo to the orthodontist to fix a wire. Today is cleaning the entry living room or whatever you call this incredibly small room. It should not take very long. The laundry room is after that. Also, an incredibly small room, packed with everything that just gets set down by others and then abandoned.

Three days and a wake-up until company is due to arrive. We spent an hour at the orthodontist office, walked to the grocery store so that my daughter could pick us up and then we went to her storage shed and loaded up her truck bed with assorted boxes and headed home. She is unloading the items and I cooked burgers for lunch. Just waiting for them to come back and enjoy with us.

dusk last night was pretty

Today continues to be busy, I have a lot of paperwork to get ready for the next facility. Plus, a kiddo has an appointment that is going to take half the day, on top of that the county fair has started and today is Military Day!!! The morning "have to do to stay afloat" have been done. Those are the tasks that just allow me to gasp for air. 

The testing went well, and we made plans to meet our friends and go to the fair. When I arrived home my neighbor asked me to come over and pick up something that she had for me. DH was getting dressed and my friends had not arrived it seemed like a task I could squeeze in. When I parked the car and got out, I heard very strange noise under the hood. At first, I chalked it up to the cooling system. Then it started again. The neighbor had new kittens and I feared one of them had climbed under the car and into the engine compartment. 

I released the hood and we checked very well all that we could see. Nothing and it was now quiet. Weird. I closed the hood, and we began chatting again. The noise started again. The neighbor called to husband to come and listen, the noise got louder. When I opened the hood again, silence. The mystery was quickly solved when a chicken dropped to the ground and started running! It over 30 minutes to catch the crazy critter! Ultimately, she was way too fast for me, and the neighbors' grandson ended up catching her.

While I was chicken chasing, I sent DH and the kiddos on to the fair. My friend and I rode in her car. Once we arrived at the we discovered that the rides didn't start operating until 3pm. Food was available, so we ordered and began the wait. Finally! The moment arrived that the girls could take in the rides!

This was the final ride and the wind picked up and they were kicked off the ride!

Exiting the ferris wheel!

High in the sky oblivious to us on the ground they are in car #7

The mini roller coaster!

Not too scary

This was by far tied for best ride with the swings

Waiting at the exit to enter (silly kids)

They eventually figured out why the line to board the ride was so short! Our trip to the county fair ended with a microburst coming through and sand in the eyes for everyone. They shut down the rides and for the girls on the swing ride it was their second go around. A good time was had by all!

The night continued on with baby ducks escaping their enclosure and trying to swim with the big ducks!
Here are two of them on their second escape. Too fast for me to catch!

There were so many more things that happened the rest of the night and just too much for one post!


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