If March comes in like a Lion...

 July must be an Alligator. SIL is so far off center and out of this reality that we can hardly go anywhere. The last two days the plan was to pick her up and go shopping, that has been an effort in futility. Multiple things have contributed to this state of mind. First her wedding anniversary was last month, Fourth of July is her favorite holiday, and her late husband's birthday is coming up. Having the type of dementia, she has is not helping either. We continue on trying to glean what we can from each day, Sometimes, we have a logical concise conversation and sometimes we talk about how she had lunch with so and so. So and so are usually both dead, but it is awfully nice that they came to visit and have lunch with her.

4th of July lunch

They even showed up to enjoy lunch with us for the holiday. I think it was rather rude of them to use "cloaking" devices and not appear to all of us. Perhaps someday I will see them too. Not too soon though. 

We continued with the day and the "friends" came along for the fireworks, that was interesting. About midnight we arrived back to the care center and that my friend, snapped SIL right back to reality for about five minutes. It took everything in me to keep her going through that door into another reality. Memory care. Not that they do much to help the memory, nor do they provide much in the way of care but is a secure environment and she cannot wander away.

I tell her and myself this is only temporary, only temporary. It was midnight by the time I arrived back home. Of course, I could not fall asleep very easily, but I did eventually, and the next morning arrived way too early.

We couldn't see very many displays last night. But the "friends" and SIL did!


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