Can I get a Chicken Bake?

 No. You cannot. Every decision in life should be that simple these days. Alas, they are not. Yesterday blew my theory on falls. I did not go to visit Monday, nor put SIL to bed. She did not fall or have any issues during the night. She did, however, have a meltdown before 4pm the next day. I had intended to go and put her to bed and visit a bit beforehand, but I was not quick enough. She had enough, she was leaving, they called frantically, they could not seem to divert her from trying to get out the front door. They called from a number that I did not recognize, and I was genuinely doing other things. I feel they are not well equipped to handle her behaviors.

On that note, I have been looking into other places. She and I went for a ride when I got there. I was hesitant to be sure. Before we left the building, I let her know she would be returning. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. She was determined that she would talk me into not bringing her back, she said those words. While driving I listened to her complaints about not living at home with us. I then explained why, at this time, she cannot. While I did not say "you will never live at home again", I did explain that a facility was the safest place for her at this point. I explained why. She was quiet. I did offer that she does not have to stay at that facility. We can look for another place, but until a new place is found, she must sleep at that building in that apartment.

future chicken bakes

We went for an ice cream treat and then drove through the foothills. She enjoys the outdoors. Unlevel ground is her nemesis. I went very slow past all the cabins nestled on the sides of the hills. We observed how impossible they would be to navigate. When it came to the straight down drop offs on the sides of the road I stopped and let her take in the fear of falling. I do believe that it helped. We returned to the facility, and she went inside without a fuss, got into pajamas with assistance and climbed into bed without being told to do so or guided. All of these sights were located within half a mile of her front door. That is why she cannot go out the front door to walk alone, I had told her as we passed each place.

It stinks to have to be the adult all. the. time. But someone has to do it, I guess. Today is going to be really warm so the plans to go out in the car are going to change. The solar guy is supposed to come here today, and I had planned to take SIL and the kids to the nature center. Also, all of that had to be worked in with therapy for SIL and a visit to the other care center. It requires more than hour to go through the nature center so that kicks it off of today's to-do list.

The oldest of the youngest kids lost her remote and her iPad. A search of her room and the places she claims to have had it left us empty handed. I opened her closet to see a mountain of clothing on the floor to be washed. I grabbed an armful and what did I find? An iPad! So much for her memory at 12! I did not find the remote. Later, after I had gone to take care of SIL, I received a call that she had located her remote. It was not in the living room where she insisted that she had it last. It was in her underwear drawer.

Time to bake bread... 


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