A new approach...

 Today I tried a new approach to the "SIL" situation. I thought at first, I would take her shopping and then I thought better of the idea and decided to pick up what I could remember from her list and just give her a 30-minute warning that I needed to leave to go to work. It seemed in my little pea-sized brain that she would get the concept that I needed to go to work, and she might understand that she could not go to my work.

We unpacked her groceries and I put the things that she decided were no longer good to eat into a bag to take to the chickens. I then called a friend of hers for her to talk to since the friend had called several times this week. I noted that she could not carry on a conversation without being prompted with what the correct response to a question would be.

The person who called had recently lost her husband and although SIL had been told of the loss it has not registered. Her friend asked mostly yes/no questions and that went okay. When left to respond to more intricate questions there was radio silence.  When it was her turn to create conversation, she responded with a question focused for me. "Did you need to talk?" I stated no I don't think so. I do not know this friend so what would I say? She proceeded then to wish the friend well and started rattling off names of people that may or may not have been associated with the friend, to include the deceased husband. At no time did she call the friend by name.

It gives me cause to wonder if she is just really good at masking the dementia or was sure enough that it was her friend on the line and there was no reason to use names. I lean towards the first. The reason for that is, on Friday night when I left, she was frantic, not wanting to stay, having to be physically encouraged to go through the door. On Saturday there was no visit from me or my granddaughter. There was no mention of the prior two days on Sunday when I arrived, or at any other time during my visit.

It came time to leave and although we had played Yahtzee and taken a walk in the gardens, she was not letting me go to work without her. They had to man the doors and keep her in. She kept trying to leave after me. She was even quite creative, she said Well let me walk you to the car! My granddaughter went in early and tucked her into bed. She didn't mention having any issues with her other than because she was early, she had her sit in her recliner instead of going to bed.

6 new ducks

In light of the gas prices, I am rethinking my choices for work opportunities. The closest building to me is one of the facilities that I am employed by is a memory care. The clientele is a bit "rough", although it may have changed since I've been off for recovery. I start today at a facility that is less than half a mile from where SIL is currently placed. It also has a memory care with far less residents. After I have worked there for a time, I will assess whether a smaller place would be better.

Today has its' own problems to tackle so I best get busy! Oh! The new ducks? My friend had ducklings and apparently, she has too many animals for city life. Therefore, we have new residents until she can rehome them or I can.


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