August is fading away

 I keep thinking about the "Hannah house" that is the name my sister gave the farmhouse in Oklahoma that we were virtually smitten by. It was sad to see how different things were from my imagination. The right house does exist, I am pretty sure I will not recognize it when it appears. We plan to travel in September to look at 2 more possibilities. They are both on the same road, not very far from each other. It appears to be much less property with either one of them. One has 30 and the other has 57 acres of property. Both have their good points, funny though the one with more acres is far less expensive that the one with less acres. 

Now on with the closeout of August! This past weekend I resolved to get this house in the best livable shape possible for the balance of our stay here. That for me, means having dressers for the girls in their rooms. So, a shopping I went in search of something sturdy and functional and nice looking. To my surprise I found several and now I can avoid IKEA!

This is for the youngest girl

The seller said it was really light, I told her I was older and then asked if there would be someone able to help me load it on to my truck. She said she and her husband would load it. I went and picked up money from the ATM and bought the little dresser. When I arrived home with it, I found that although they thought it was light I did not. It will hold up to the youngest kid without any trouble. She immediately thought it was the best thing ever and loves the cork board and the mirror.

Over the weekend we celebrated the tenth birthday of one of the granddaughters. Everyone had a great time and there was a good solid break in the not so nice weather.
She is officially double digits

the pie eating contest

All of the kids joined in except my AW's little ones, she would not let them get messy. Even the 5-year-old great grand joined in the fun. I was a bit of a party pooper as I did not join in. I tended to the little children and pushed them on the swings. 

Back at the home front the teenage chickens have adjusted to free range life and enjoy getting out of the coop each day. The older hens have learned to play nice and share the bugs. We have two preschool age chickens still in the house and with as cold as it has been for August they may be in here until closer to winter. The Guinea pigs have been moved to the basement and seem to be doing well down there. Feeding and cleaning is now my job only. Unless I find a way to make a play area down there that entices the youngest to bring her horse toys it will stay that way.

We are back in the saddle with therapy

She is doing very well 

Hippotherapy will end when we move, and this is on the con side on the list of pros vs cons of moving. I have not been able to find a therapy place close to where DH wants to be. I will keep looking though. For now, we will look at options to make this house a place that works in our favor. 

Interestingly, this morning my daughter and son-in-law approached me with the idea of following them on the road for a year or even 6 months. They even had a solution for the house being empty and animal care. I went into the bedroom after they left and started to present the idea and the next picture is what I was greeted with.

This has been an ongoing pose for the last 3 months or more. No matter if there is sleep the night before or not. It seems like a problem, and I am not sure how to solve said problem. Soon it will be time to go and get the kids from school and I still have a second dresser to set up in a kiddo's room. I will close for now and figure out the pick-up plan.


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