Farewell to the minivans... and goodbye July.

 Minivans have been a part of my life for quite some time, saying goodbye is difficult. I think in a sense it is not forever goodbye, but more like see you later. At first, we were going to take it to my sister and let her have it as an extra car. We had the need to keep it just a bit longer, so we did. Now my granddaughter needs it for a weekend job. We decided, even though it isn't the best car, that she might get some use out of it for a few months until we can find her something else. Her Audi is stumping even the professionals, so it may be off to the crusher soon. It is sitting in the driveway fairly close to my own Audi that has suffered at the hands of a "teenager" of a different sort. It too should be put out of its misery, but alas the "teenager" wants to fix it. 

We, meaning me, have many tasks to complete this week. Deciding when we are heading to the next adventure, picking up the MH from the repair shop, packing, bringing all things down from the attic, guiding the kiddos back into the routine of homeschooling or getting them back into the classroom, just name a few. I also have to get SIL integrated back into the family life, whether it be here or there, it must be done.

It is time to get on with my day, dishes await, and laundry needs putting away. With it being Monday there are also appointments, although they are not for my family, AW needs transportation for the kids' appointments. DH has an appointment and meds need to be ordered.

Well, it is finally August, and the storms are still raging. Last night the storms knocked down part of the fence, uprooted a tree, and left multiple trees twisted and ravaged of large branches.

One uprooted tree

used to be an empty pool

the new diving board for birds

about 50' of fence blown over

twisted branches of new growth

so much for the tomato plants

See you next week!


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