again with losing track of things

Whoa... I have had some unique days this week and on some days I've had a whole week of unique! If I could remember and write chronologically this post would be the longest I have ever written.  Luckily I can't. First things first... I am having cell phone challenges.  How can you get texts but you can't send any nor get any phone calls or make any for that matter? I don't get it. But that is not really what this post is about.  But with all the small people distractions today I may be just be thankful to get a post done.  :)
When woke this morning very early, I made a mental list of things to get done.    So far the kids are dressed, I have checked in at work and the coffee is made.  None of those were on my list... Okay maybe checking in at work was there.  Oh wait so it was a mental list and I do make coffee pretty much every morning, either here at home or at work for the score two for the mental list!!
And that was 4 hours ago now so on to the laundry, dishes and going to check my residents in person. The wind is really kicking up here today and the kids want to go to "auntie's" house. After I grab a shower that might be a good plan. After all it is clear the mental list has only gone so far this morning.
That was the beginning of yesterday and it only progressed.  After arriving at work and getting the info I needed to get started on my shift. Starting the meds went smoothly enough then my own floor wanted something done. Twenty minutes later I was able to get back to the floor I was assigned to for the evening.  Time to start the first peg tube feeding of the night, first fight the machine that is supposed to deliver the "food".  It  doesn't want to deliver water with the food.  After a 20 minute challenge with the delivery system and programming the pump it all begins to work...
Just in time for the bed to quit working while in its' highest, flattest position... not good.
So another 30 minutes spent switching out a bed for one that works and by 2330 my four hour shift can come to an end :)
Only to start up again with meetings galore running right up to an appointment. So I left and then went home... only to find that I left my phone at work, my desk unlocked and chaos in my wake!  Now little miss and I have been keeping each other busy and she needs to lay down so I'll close this post and look forward to conversations I can have when I get to work tomorrow :)


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