Saturdays... when did they start disappearing so fast?

It seems to be the only day that I can manage to get a whole day away from the building, at least in body.  There are always phone calls to answer and problems to trouble shoot from afar.  But the day itself seems to disappear before it could possibly be more than half over. We had the pleasure of the baby today and the girls went crazy once they realized she was over.  The one thing I didn't expect was for the baby to get upset when she had to leave the kids and go back home!  Once I returned her to her gramma I was able to meet her two week old cousin "wolf" and yes that is his name.  Somehow looking at him conjured up names like "sweet little lamb", "peanut", even "little pumpkin".  He was so tiny and adorable :)  Wolf, was no where near a fitting title, at least not at this time. I'll check on him later in life and see.

Enjoying the little ones makes me regret working full time, well really more than full time because I am there way more than 40 hours a week and it seems it is always in the prime family time hours.

There are so many reasons to leave my position and there are just as many to stay. So the pro/con list won't work in this situation. I can't even count the number of times I have been asked if I have thought about retirement. Honestly I hadn't even considered that prospect. How would I spend my day? I know how much I would love to be home with girls, but there would come a time when they would not need me, then what?

Things I do miss... working evening shift and having at least the morning with the kids. The garden, being able pick beans or okra or the asparagus. Having enough time and energy to make homemade yogurt or something as simple as laundry soap! As I sit on my bed resting my knee because I can, I really do miss a slower pace. Part-time will be plenty in the future. After doing a 12 hour shift, hoping one of the qmaps that had been offered overtime would show up, I realize I do not enjoy this position at all. I present to my DH that it would be nice to go part-time perhaps at the end of this next summer....that went over like a lead balloon :(.

I ran the numbers through my head all this past week since deciding that part-time could in fact work for me and the numbers do not add up very well...

Simple solution, stop using credit cards and pay off any that have a balance... that is only DPP, but I use the others and pay them off each month. Using the cards this way really does allow me to spend more than if I just paid cash.  I tend to justify it by saying that they give me points or cash to use against future purchases or a check in the mail.

Here's the real truth. When I accumulated "points" on my amazon store card and didn't use them in a timely manner they did send me a check... which I misplaced and to this day I have not cashed. The rewards on my amazon prime card translated into a sewing machine that I really didn't need. The rewards on my toy r us card... nothing done with those yet and they are contemplating closing. It is the same story with all the cards that I have right down to JC Penney.  Even though I pay all these cards in full when I get paid they allow me to spend more than if I were to use cash only.  JC Penney, Target, WalMart, Toys r us, all their stocks will plummet soon so if you invest in these take a good look at your portfolio.

So when I got out of bed this morning I decided I can use cash only again but I am an impulse buyer to a degree. I will have to work hard at telling myself "no" to a really good deal. I have always been an impulse buyer and for a short time in my life I had this urge under control but as your earning power goes up so does your spending power and unless you have that maintained you will lose the battle.

Perhaps you can tell that this post goes from one Saturday to the next... that is what happens when you get interrupted a half a dozen times!  I have about three posts in the preparing stages at any given time. I used to accumulate them on paper and then lose them. So if it seems at times I am scattered.... I am.

Going to cash only will be a challenge because it will mean two months of no spending outside of necessities. Just in time for Easter and the summer birthday runs. Well, we will see how this goes..


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