Up and at 'em!

Today I had big plans to sleep past 0600, or at least until that time since the granddaughter was scheduled to arrive at 0600. The usual middle of the night wake-ups by the littles taken into consideration of course.  But it was not to be.. (insert a very tired face right here). Baby Athena decided this was to be the day of her grand entry into our lives forever to change the way we look at the world. The new grand parents were in attendance for her arrival and just wanted to make sure the new great grand parents (AKA us) were aware that everyone who was anyone to baby Athena knew she was on her way.  They made this declaration at 0330 by calling the house phone (I had wisdom the wisdom to turn my cell phone off the night before).  Unfortunately or maybe fortunately I forgot to turn the ringer off on the house phone. Personally I believe one of her little "aunts" sent her a message somehow alerting her that a few grown-ups had plans to sleep in.  Just a theory....

So later today I will go visit the little nipper in the hospital and set the ground rules... unless of course her "aunt Gigi" has spoiled my plans already and let her know that the littles run the roost around here!   So there will be pictures to post tomorrow.  I hope! With being up early I have had time to make the plans for dinner. It will be home made French dip sandwiches and I am not sure what the side dish will be.  I do know the dough is rising for French rolls and the meat is ready to be sliced and put into the gravy to continue cooking so that it falls apart when served...yum! Now to figure out how to add pictures from the iPad to the blog....

But first I must slice the roast! Sliced and back in the pot. The bread will be done in an hour or so and  hopefully taste good.  This recipe has turned out good loaves in the past but this will be the first time I have used it as "rolls" for sandwiches. Otherwise, someone will have to drive 30 minutes to town to buy rolls. Everything is ready except the potatoes.  The new gramma has picked up her 4 year old and my 5 yo is asleep so guess who wants my attention now? You got it the 7 yo! We finished peeling the potatoes and she fed the scraps to the chickens so that left time to write a letter.  Our goal for this school year was one letter a week... we average one a month :( But it is better than not writing :)

Now to finish the shopping list and hopefully get out to the store.... no guarantees but it is worth a shot!

Uh oh just got an order for another cake like this....We charged $30 and it came with a dozen mini unicorn cupcakes... probably should have been more.


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