Here chicky,,, chicky.....

It is time to order chicks! At least it should be... I think the cost raising chicks out weighs the savings but it is fun and educational at the same time!!!  We may try hatching some of our eggs to see what we get.  I've ordered an incubator.. yes I know not very thrifty.. when trying to stop using CC's. in my defense it came to $2.39 with free shipping because of the credits built up on my card.  Yes I would have purchased the item if paying cash only. It is a small incubator and will be fun to watch what happens.

This year we will purchase ducks, turkeys and geese to with our current flock and open up the south end of the chicken run for the meat birds. I'm even toying with idea of a mechanical plucker... just considering it and maybe thinking of ways to set aside for it. Okay if you have ever plucked a bird you would understand this thought process. In the mean time I will be driving to Burlington to buy seed for fodder! Yay!!! They have barley!!!! And oats but they have barley!!! Hmm seems like something I said to someone when I thought they had a basement...

You have a basement!!!! But alas it turned they did not have a basement... But I will have barley!!!!! Talk about confessions...sheesh who would have known barley and basements could have so much and so little in common at the same time....

This morning was supposed to be go to a parade day but someone started tossing cookies in the night and changed the course of the day for all involved.  To start the carpet and mattress had to be cleaned and the bedding not to mention the clothes that were involved. But things have settled down to a dull roar around here and little miss has cut a second tooth and all must know about it! Four year old and five year old called a truce after one of them broke up a styrofoam packing thing and they decided to pretend it was snow... need I say more?

There are no pictures of this "indoor snow" phenomenon to protect the guilty. I started out today stressed trying to get the kiddos ready for church and breakfast made and give directions to those who were working in my absence and then after church trying to get things we needed while still in town. It turned out pretty calm in the long run the girls were really good all the way through costco and through toys r us. Both stores were packed for different reasons. We then headed home in order to get dinner and laundry done.

To top it off no credit cards were injured at any point during today's adventure!!! Yay score one for the team!


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