Anticipation...really can drive you crazy!

It has been 24 days officially since I was informed there would be an audit of my department.  All of our ancillary departments offered up the support that they were tagged with.  Unfortunately none of them were nurses nor were they tagged with nursing items.  They supplied me with the necessary items to make the audit go smoothly....well most of them did. The first planned day was cancelled for reasonable circumstances and then the second one was cancelled... then a member of our "team" decided it was spring break and he needs to spend time with the kids. I totally agree! (I wonder when I will get time to do that?) So after asking for that team members' part I was told no the audit person would be told to come later. Perhaps the steam was visible coming out of my ears, or it could have been a touch of sarcasm in my voice, but either way I heard nothing until a third team member said she heard that the audit would be Monday of next week. No worries I felt relatively prepared.

Not going to sweat it, nor be angry that I have invested way too much time preparing and not seeing my family. Surprise!!!! It turned out the audit person arrived! So much for spending Good Friday doing things with my family.  After a long day of answering the questions that I could, printing missing documents and playing a prank on the member that went on vacation I was able to leave for home at almost sundown. I headed home. Bought the kids Happy Meals (why do I never feel happy when I purchase those?) and stopped for gas. Once there we played McDonald's and then proceeded to dye the eggs that were prepared the night before. They were content :) DH had taken them to Focus on the Family once I told him the auditor had arrived. However, it was closed so they went to the horse therapy place instead and set up appointments there and the kids had fun.

Saturday started early enough at 0430 Little Miss needed to turn the sun on and encourage it to rise in the sky, probably thinks God needs a break or something like that. So laundry into the washer, start the coffee and the bacon and plan the day. I need to stuff eggs for the egg hunt on Sunday and find the clothes for Sunday morning and lay them out. So that means a trip to the commissary and maybe to Costco. Perhaps the "Aunt" Mary will entertain a couple of kids for an hour or two if I do her shopping too. Thankfully we are not hosting this year as things are in an upheaval most days around here. I can find the high chair for the baby and it's a good thing because if I put her on the floor I may never find her again.

Now to get on to that laundry and the mountain of dishes that have accumulated in the past week. Everything needs attention today so I best close this for now and get busy. Next week may be just as busy since two people were let go in all of this and two more have given notice so to speak. :(


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