Sleeping in is a bit over rated..

This is coming from the one who rarely gets to sleep in, however I think it really is true. This morning was not an "official" sleep in no one will wake you day. Only because I would have to be living alone for that to ever happen! But there wasn't a mad rush to get up and get going as there are most days. Should have been but there wasn't. I only have 5 things on my morning "to do" list or least on the paper one that is.

So much for staying home today until I had to go in for SNF. One of the CNA's just let me know they cannot come and work after all.  But I can still get a few things on my list done before going in and finishing a blog post isn't on my list...

My first cup of coffee is not quite finished but since my time at home has been slashed in half I best get busy. I have called on my list who might work a day shift and no response.  So I guess after I get dinner set up and the rest of the dishes done I will head to the shower and get ready to go in.

The first sink full of dishes is done and put away only two more to go! Then set up the lasagna in the crock pot and head to the shower. Unless of course someone else has other plans to change the day.  Of course he does! I understand any change in my schedule disrupts everyone else's plans for a day off... but it is not like I plan for people to call off. It is time to resign... but of course that isn't the answer that anyone wants to hear either... it is not going to be a winning situation no matter how it plays out.

If I actually had the answers to why people don't want to work then I would be one step ahead and could possibly fix things.  However the answers elude me and I can only react in this situation.  Eventually I may be able to act as opposed to react.  Just not today.

How does a discussion of my schedule turn into "how am I supposed to know where to get a copy of the kids immunizations?" That situation just began to spiral out of control! Oh and now he is back in the house to get something I hope and not to argue as I do not have the desire to argue.  I mean what is the point of it? He won't remember it later and I will just stew like a chicken in a pot waiting for the dumplings to be added... and they won't be.  Oh well back to the dishes. Lasagna is in the crock pot for this evening's dinner and the French bread is already made and salad is ready. Now to make lunch for the girls and cleaning off the kitchen table so we can eat together before I leave for work tonight.

I really miss evening shift.... Maybe once I go for the surgery on my shoulder I can figure out what should be next in the adventures of my life:)

Apparently doing rounds from home is the next adventure....


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