patience... patience

It has been 10 months since this journey started. It has been a game of stop and go. Yesterday, we received another stop... one that threatens an entire shut down of this process. Yes the basement is partially poured, yes there is a modular home sitting in the driveway, and there are questions that need to be answered. 

This was not a small house...


 But it burned so very fast you would think it was smaller. There was enough fuel to keep it going well into the next day. Life moved on... sort of. Here we are today with a hold on whatever is next. We have the planned future sitting on the property.
Waiting to be able to place it on the foundation that has been started where the old house had been. It is much smaller. That is a good thing. Here is what it is supposed to look like put together...

Pretty sure it will be overflowing with stuff before a year is out if it gets assembled! Put this over the proposed half poured basement and there is room for more stuff or people. In the mean time we stay put in our little house in town and try hard to decide what to do with it when we are done.

It is hard to think of leaving when the kids have so much fun in the backyard with the snow when it comes. 
And in the front yard when it's nice.

They have made friends that they wouldn't have made in the yellow house. They both have figured out how to ride bikes and scooters and that having friends and being a friend can be hard work. But they do miss the yellow house...

Some day we will know where we will live next. Until then there is fresh snow to play in! Snow ice cream to be made! Birds to feed and dogs who are not tall enough to go out and go potty! At least not alone!


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