Veterans Day or Rememberance Day

Good Morning! This is the day we remember veterans and their sacrifice for this country. But it didn't start out that way. And trying to teach little kids both meanings for the day is not easy. We spent our snow days watching videos of the world war II guess I should have focused on WWI.

Today, much like Friday, the house is full of extra kids. So picking something for my own kids to learn isn't going to be easy. The original plan was to just de-clutter the downstairs bathroom where the baby chicks spent their last days before heading out to the property. Originally I wanted a chicken house here at this property and I thought it was going to actually happen! But then the cement guy called.

The elusive cement guy. Hard guy to track down when the weather is perfect. But last week was the polar opposite of the week before. He appeared! Much as he disappears! He said we had been moved up the list of jobs and he would be there Wednesday to level and set forms, and then pour on Thursday or Friday. He cancelled on Wednesday... then finally on Friday his crew dropped off two trailers full of equipment.

Saturday was beautiful 87 degrees and sunny hardly a breeze to boot. No cement guy. Sunday after church we checked out the property. Amazingly the forms had been set! Backwards, but set! Luckily the workers were still there admiring their work. So DH let them know what needed to change, lest the house face the wrong direction.

Today is 27 degrees... not ideal weather for pouring cement. I shall remain here and entertain the children. Maybe whip up some biscuits and gravy, a few omelets... lies all lies. I am going to protect my sanity at all costs today! So that may require that I do not try to clean a child's room, either child.
Oh here is a quick shot of Halloween! Snowy and icy but they wanted to go.

Well, I'll close for now and see what the child squawking in the lower level needs.


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