Sunday Night ramblings..

After spending most of this weekend babysitting it hit me this morning that I am not feeling the greatest. Hit by a head cold earlier last week I thought I was on the mend. Nope that virus returned with a vengeance. It was all I could do to just lay there and try to sleep between coughing fits. A seal barking in the zoo has nothing on me! 

All the great plans I had for organizing my desk were swept under the pile of laundry that isn't getting any attention today either. My youngest daughter took pity on me and went to the grocery for me. Saturday evening I was able to tackle the pantry in this little house and figure out what we have and what we need. But Sunday morning I was unable to muster the energy to do anything! As I lay in bed feeling sorry for my self I remembered that the 19 year old granddaughter was needing to borrow the minivan for a while as her great gramma needed her own car back.

Up I got and started clearing out the van of the belongings we had forgotten in there. An hour later it is free from gummy worms in the cup holders and hay in the cargo space! DH returned from church and asked what time she would be taking the car and of course who knows with a teen! So he called her and asked... Guess Gramma GG can spare the sedan a bit longer so she won't be taking it after all. 

In the meantime, a former coworker had asked if I could give her a ride to work as her car had been repossessed. So I offered her the use of the mini-van. Nope she is getting her car back after work as it had been a clerical mix up that it even got repo'd. Hmm, I think it is generational. They are both 19 and I am pretty sure a mini van is like BCG's in the Army.

But no matter, one of the worker's that is helping at the property inquired about purchasing it just last week. So up for sale it goes before it gets dirty again! (He is well over 19) Just a little side note.

The poor children today had to fend for themselves and were not as hungry at suppertime as I thought they might be. We are out of Doritos though and the ice cream tub is about 1/3 full. I suppose they will live, one day of junk food is better than no food.

I think I will try to turn in early and catch up on laundry and dishes tomorrow. The dogs need to be dropped off to the groomers at 0900 and the curly topped kiddo needs to be babysat tomorrow. 
You know it is time for the groomer when the dog jumps in the tub on his own!


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