Why is there a house in my driveway?

Eleven months ago our lives took a turn that would change many things. It would put procrastination in a whole new category. The blaze that took all personal possessions from the two little girls that we cherish, that erased any record of our former lives, that brought us to live in the city, is all but a memory now.

Months of looking at houses, properties, modular homes and trailers homes is over. We had ordered a home and started all the groundwork only to be met with delay after delay. The cold weather started creeping in and that changed the plans yet again. Set to stay in the little house that we bought in town until spring we were adjusting.

Then yesterday, without warning and totally unexpected DH drove out to the property and found a modular home sitting in the driveway. No phone calls, no texts or email that it was going to be delivered. No siding on it either. The foundation on which it will rest is not complete. But there it is none the less.

We certainly have been through worse. So now the hustle starts. Find someone to stucco the place as soon as weather permits. Hope the foundation can be finished in reasonable time to set the house before spring. And decide what to do with the house in town...

Some things just get frozen in time... Lost in the hustle and bustle of the day.

Other things don't last...

Chaos... for me lasts forever, never frozen, never far from my front door.


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