How we spent the first weekend in September

 The weekend started with a half day of school for the kids. While they were off to higher learning, I ran off to look at a class C rundown camper that someone had on Facebook. Do I need this? No. I am just always thinking of creative outlets that I have no business thinking about. To say it was in rough shape is an understatement. Really all that is left is the shell and the wheels. My daughter's uncle-in-law may be able to make a little home for himself out of it. He really wants out of the motel he is living in, and he and DH made an agreement to exchange parking space for help on all the work around here.

I am staying out of that one. Nonetheless my son-in-law and his uncle are off to see the project vehicle. If he thinks he can make it livable before winter, he might take it and then DH will have man help. Saturday brought the first chance at a sleepover with a classmate after a 3 hour stretch of playing at her house. I have already blogged about my adventures while the child was playing so I will skip any elaboration, other than to say you really just had to be there to appreciate the humor.

Sunday brought the task of retrieving kids from here and there and dropping them off to other places. The youngest really wanted her friend to come here, but sadly she told the friend and her whole extended family that we have vicious dogs. They in turn invited her for another fun night of sleeping over. I could see in her eyes that she would not be staying the whole night, but I let her try. About 7pm I had a frantic call from her saying there was no water at the home she was at and could I hurry up and bring her a drink. Not really thinking about it I said of course. I contacted my daughter who lived about a mile away and she obliged me by taking two cases of water to the family.

She then reported back to me that the family was shocked and had no idea that they had no water... because the water was just fine. I thought nothing of sending some over because the last time that the youngest stayed at my daughter's house for a sleepover their hot water heater pipe broke, and they had no water. Regardless, I spoke with the grandmother, and I apologized for not reaching out and asking if they needed water before I sent water over. Things seemed to be settled down for the night. My daughter and her family invited me over to the RV to watch a movie outside. They had the projector playing an Indiana Jones movie on the side of the RV. It was fun. But it got late, and I still felt I would be getting a call to get the kid, so got ready for bed and I drifted off to sleep. 

Stitch the basement cat came out to play

the picture is pretty good

Front row seating

pausing for me to go to the house

At 11pm my phone rang, and it was my youngest crying her eyes out wanting to come home. It seems they were just sitting down to eat their evening meal (don't ask, because I don't know the answer) and she was terrified to tell them she did not want to eat. I got dressed and the grandma was calling me. We chatted and I explained it was most likely that she is used to going to bed by 8pm and this was the third night in a row that she had been up after 11pm and she was afraid to say she did not want to eat. We talked all the way to town, and I picked up my little who promptly fell asleep in the back seat of the truck.

Monday creeped in slowly and it was nice to be lazy. I went to town to pick up the older child and get fruit for the lunches. I went back to put things in the truck and my key was nowhere to be found. I spent 40 minutes looking for it as I emptied trash from the vehicle. I finally found it. I had placed it in the little cutout in the dash and it is black and the dash black and an apple also hid it. Once home I cooked lunch and started on the yard work.

grateful chickens

 a full wagon

It wasn't the original plan for this weekend but after backing out of the house in Oklahoma there was no need to travel and unpack the new house. Still there is so much to do here. If the plan is to stay for more than one year, I will need to unpack a few things. My son-in-law returned from looking at the gutted camper, a side note I was on the phone with my younger sister, and I told her I wish we had looked around a little more, maybe with any luck the uncle will say no, and I was just informed that the uncle said no. It seems the owners attempted some engine work and did not care for it properly, it attempts to turn over, but he had his reasons for declining the vehicle.

DH is on driving duty in the morning, and I am on weed disposal duty. Also, I have to find the stuff I need to unpack and get that done. So good night to all and to all a good night!


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