Moving on...

 No not moving just moving on. It is Sunday and the goals for this weekend were met. The new plan is to pick one big project to complete in a week and if it gets done then we sprinkle in a little yard clean-up. On Saturday there was a delay with too many Chiefs and not enough Indians. The work has been listed and the list gets added to as we find things that were missed. We tend to just "live" with something half done and then move on to another project that blows in with the wind. 

The shed the guys worked on yesterday had been built originally 10+ years ago, but never painted or completed. So, when we heard the rain starts today the repair moved to the top of the list. Today the roofing material will be added and hopefully it will get wrap with Tyvek or something similar, or at the very least painted.

Shed with a roof and walls! 

Our dumpster is completely full, and we are piling bags of trash and debris beside it now as pick up is 8 days away. I will call this week and see if we can go back to weekly pickup for two months. Hopefully, we can decide from there if we can continue the cleanup pace. If seems we cannot, and that is very likely, we can go back to every two weeks.

Over achiever

The helper was supposed to move into his 5th wheel yesterday. He brought a lot of his things, but he did not show up. I would hope he shows up before the rain starts as he has a bunch of stuff to put inside. When did show up Friday night he said he had one more load of things to bring and he need to "clean" his room out. He currently lives in a motel turned studio type apartment. He has no kitchen or hotplate or refrigerator. Just a room and a bathroom and it is tiny. 

rain is in the forecast

not sure it will all fit

DH struggles more each day with walking. He is much like a Weeble, remember that toy? Weebles wobble but they don't fall down? Yep, only he does fall sometimes. I have no room to talk so I won't. Okay I will but I shouldn't. We tried to convince DH that all the cars should be moved to one spot so that the weeds can be mowed, and he can also sort which car is getting crushed and in what order. We got nowhere. Yesterday while we were working on the dog fence DH stated that an old riding lawn mower absolutely had to be moved. He got into his truck and backed it up towards the item. Then he rolled up his window and listened to the radio. As part of the "girl" team I, in unison with the other 3 dropped my jaw when he never got out of the truck. We sent him for pizza.

Tractor is still there today
Dog pen did make it to the mobile home

Today I will make Chicken Pot Pie for all the helpers at least that is the plan. Also, pictures will be taken of the progress so far. I had a little helper for pie making. I skipped church this morning and helped with the fence panel removal. They had loaded and unloaded a full trailer before I got out to help them. I, in my defense, was instructed to make chocolate ice cream and iced tea for later. I did both and came back out for the next trailer load.

Unloading the first trailer load

Bare spots left from the panels on the 2nd load

more than one bare spot

about the first half of the 2nd load

Sometime back my neighbor had said if we are going to get rid of the cedar fence panels, she wanted them. If I had realized, they were going to unload the first trailer full I would have called the neighbor at that time. I did call for the second load and she said bring all of them over do not sort good from bad she would take them all. What a blessing! The wind kicked up, so we did not move anymore today.

The dog fence isn't quite how I envisioned it, but it works, and my daughters went to town and picked up more dog panels while I stayed home with the kids and made food.

My little helper and her own pie

mixing the filling for me

Before she realized it was a photo op

I had changed the plan from chicken pot pie to loaded baked potato soup, but I ended up making both and good thing as all was eaten... except the baby's pie, she took that home. The soup was gone before I got any pictures. Soup is soup so use your imagination and it will work instead of pictures.

It has been a long day and Monday will bring its own drama, so good night blog.


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