
 Why do I seem to have trouble connecting the dots? My mind is getting restless again. I have help to watch the kiddos so that I can go to an event, but now I am hesitant to go. While gone I could go see some property that I am interested in, yet I still have not purchased the tickets. The longer I wait the higher the price. I guess deep down I do not want to go.

Tonight, we had a new to us dish for dinner. Apricot chicken it seemed like it would be easy enough to make. I read the recipe, found I did not have Catalina dressing, not to worry I have cookbooks. So, after reading several recipes for the dressing, it became apparent that I am lacking in pantry supplies. I do not have any red wine vinegar. I do have apple cider vinegar and I do have a bottle of red wine that I bought for my cousin, she does not like red wine, so she gave it back to me. Now the trouble would be a corkscrew. It wasn't red wine vinegar, but we made do. And with the added benefit that no one had ever had the dish before, I would say it was fine. Now there was a little dressing left, just be cautious using it as it was not cooked so the wine is still wine.

I also broke down and purchased a mini rice cooker. I really did not like the stuff I made in the instant pot. Along with the other things that I worked on today, I played with the mini chainsaw some more. I am seriously thinking of getting myself a toolbox for the toys I have been "acquiring". Some will say I am being selfish but when you need wire cutters, you need them. 

the tree that suffered my inexperience

the results of my inexperience

I decided I would move the motorhome tonight and park it on the west side of the yard. I did discover that although they reconnected the power to it, that none of the fancy stuff works. No back up camera, no auto level, the unit keeps saying error retraction timeout. My fault I did not ask for them to check it out, just to give it power. They also would not put the grill back on as they did not take it off.

It is now Wednesday morning, and we woke up to no water, again. The well guy came over and it is not a problem with the well itself, it is the electric to the well. Isn't that special. Luckily, we know someone and maybe it will get fixed in a day or so. In the meantime, I will buy more water. Now that I know I feel like GI Joe... Ette. 

Yesterday things did not go quite as planned. I did not buy water it was ok though as the magical water had come back on, but only for a few hours. Then we were without water again. I failed to buy more water. We have enough to get through two more days, but that is not the point. This failure had a domino effect on today. My failures this morning have been pointed out several times by several people.

The first one said I failed to give her socks, where I really failed was teaching her to find her own socks. The next kid was mad because I failed to give her a reminder to get dressed, a second reminder that is, I failed to give her socks, find her riding boots, tell her to wear pants for hippo therapy, and to add insult to injury, I put her lunch in a "my little pony" lunchbox... how childish can I be? I also failed my DH by taking his wallet out of the car, failing to open and close the front door for him, or at the very least expecting him to close the door while I was holding the dogs back from running out. I really need to work on my failures.

Now on with the day. Yesterday the helper brought his girlfriend out to see his new place and then he left with her in tow because there was no water. I am guessing on that. It might be because his nephew told him he cannot have overnight guests at his 5th wheel. He does not screen his associates from the homeless camp very well and we are a little picky about who gets to reside in our yard. I am not trying to have a homeless camp pop up, because it can.

I have secured the riding boots and a pair of pants for the youngest and I will pick her up a bit early so that she has time to change. I will also pick up water, dog food, cat litter, and a yard broom type rake. Therapy days are very broken up and with living so far away from the therapy center it is a total waste of gas to go home after her session is over. I try to plan my shopping for those days. Plus, I have to pick up boxes that my AW saved up for me. I informed DH that I am still looking for a one level house. Yesterday I did end up going into town to do a shop that I agreed to do, so I bought straw and hay and grass. 

When I came home to unload those goodies a chicken or two decided to help. I only got a picture of one.

chicken trying to help unload

Every day there is something that needs to be done. DH and I had a "discussion" about how to handle making the attic space livable. He refuses to hire help other than family. I get not using a contractor to a degree, but when you are physically unable to do what needs to be done, accept facts. I was prepared to buy something for SIL to live in comfortably in the yard close by. He had no intention of even listening to what was available. He then stated he could have the attic space turned into a bedroom in two weeks. With all the patience I could muster, I asked why it has not been done then. As he barked that things have come up to prevent him from doing anything in the attic, I asked him to give me a list of things.

He then stated just look at today! Okay he barked it. Then it was his tire on his truck. I interrupted him and said these are interfering but not game stoppers, however, I know there are days when your pain level is horrendous and that you really cannot do anything. That is why I think we need to hire help. We need a project done and there is nothing wrong with paying for help. There is not family around that can do what needs to be done. I feel it fell on deaf ears, but time will tell. 

Today is Thursday and the day is almost over. Still no water, but lots of news. Now to see if anyone will help me unload the car/truck of water jugs or boxes. Not even a chicken stepped up to help this time. Good news though the kids will be back sometime tomorrow from their travels. Nothing like a little company for some misery or something like that. We went to hippo therapy this morning and the kid and the horse were off in la la land.

he had his eye and mind on a girl horse

she had her mind on her friends at school

After her session and return to school I went and picked up boxes from AW and let her know these would be enough. She repeated what I said and stated so you don't want me to save more? I repeated "no more". I then headed to meet DH at his doctor for a review of his MRI. He is basically a hot mess again with his degenerative spine disease. Now maybe he will hire help, maybe. He returned home with a mission, and I went to get the kids from school. When I returned with the kids, the mission had been sidetracked. 

When he finally got to it the time was after 6pm. Not much daylight to work with by then, but at least some work was done. I also let him play with my mini chainsaw. He liked it. He liked it so much that I had to go out to the dirt and retrieve it. I do not let my tools stay out late unless they are being supervised by a responsible person. DH lets his tools hang out wherever.

Well tomorrow is Friday and I have another water run to make so I better hit the hay early and hope for progress on the electric. Good night blog! 


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