The week as it goes...

Monday- Today I have to get phone calls made and our to-do for the weekend decided. The shed did not get roofed or painted so that will be an obvious project, but I need to have another project and a backup project ready, so we stay on track. The dog pen has a bit of "enhancing" that needs to be worked on. I am hoping to have that done before the weekend happens.

The trash company was very accommodating, and they picked up today and will pick up every week until I tell them to stop. I weeded the dog pen, cleaned up messes made by the puppy, cuddled the big dogs and soothed their hurt feelings. Got rained on several different times and bought a donut that I did not need. I am pretty sure it needed me though. It jumped out of the bag and crossed my lips before I could say "Don't let me eat you".

Tuesday- It is already today and that is a day later than the previous paragraph and I have yet to get things done today. I did get some weeds pulled in the dog area and a cement mixer into the shed. Still need to move the transmission jack and the cherry picker to the shed. There was a plan to get the panels added to the dog pen today, hasn't happened yet. 

Wednesday- Therapy happens today and tomorrow and that leaves little time for anything else. I try to do any quick shopping that I can while she is at therapy. After I return her to school there is a bit of time to do other things before they both get picked up for the day. I couldn't think of anything that I could get done or that I needed to do this session, so I crocheted for a little while.

Today is the day my sister is supposed to be here on her way to Michigan. Because of all the chaos with moving and then not moving and then well, who knows what we are doing, I told her I would pay for a motel and come see her there and bring her treasures to her. In an effort to get her treasures into my truck and head to the motel I enlisted help. She thought she left 2 boxes there are 3 but who is counting? Along with the boxes there was a small suitcase and several other small packages. One box broke lifting it. Here is a picture of some of the contents.

Yes, those were packed in there

and this stuff...

I am sure it all has a purpose, not sure what the purpose would be, but I will deliver it to the hotel in the morning as the hotel will not let me leave it for her.

Thursday- Last night my youngest kid stayed up very late. Why I cannot sleep when the kids are awake, I do not know, but I can't. This caused me to oversleep so the kids did not go to school, and I ran off to meet my sister and give her the treasures that she left so long ago. We had a good visit and had breakfast at "Sandy's". Tonight, my son-in-law and I walked the yard, and it is amazing all the work he has been able to do in the short time he has been at it. We could really use a roll-off dumpster. Time to get the kiddos off to bed and myself while I am at it.

Friday- My daughter and I ran off to a couple of stores this evening. It was nice to go for a ride with an adult to talk to and no kiddos screaming in the backseat. We went with a purpose. It seems I packed up her Cricut work pad, so I offered to buy her a new one. Then of course we ogled at the fabric, it is an illness like any other addiction. We were good we did not buy any. Then we headed to Costco for water for their trip to South Dakota. They leave Monday for four days. I will miss their company. One hundred dollars later we went to Walmart, where I found a good selection of dog toys and varying sizes and prices. There were other things we picked up, but I cannot think of them right now. Bedtime came and it was a good thing.

Saturday- Today I spent most of my day doing laundry and household stuff. My daughter's family worked in the yard. DH tried to get out there and work, but it was a struggle. We are going to see the PCP this week as this is not normal. For every hour he is awake he falls asleep for at least 2 and then cannot remember the events prior to sleeping without a lot of prompting. Not to mention the pain level he is in is off of the measuring chart.

The yard work completed was more mowing and the roofing of the shed. Later in the evening we tried out the new mini chainsaws. THAT. WAS. FUN!!! We cut down a small tree just like the ad said we could. We also cut off a lot of dead branches in a couple of other trees and through the branches in a pit. Oh, and we moved a bunch of tires from the south side of the garden area. These were there because for a while we planned to build a fence around the garden with them. It never evolved past stacking them, so now we will find a way to get rid of them. Everyone is dirty, tired and ready for relaxing showers. Good night.

Make-do roof

hummingbird at the feeder


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