Hello September!

 So here we are! It is the first day of September and it is hot! We are scheduled to go look at property next weekend and DH is having second thoughts. Now the decision will be up to me. This is probably the best thing that could happen at this point. If only I were up to the task.

The moon from my front porch last night

It was pretty

I sat there and pondered if I would miss the openness of the prairie moving into a wooded property. Would an inground pool make a smoother transition? Would a hot tub do it for me? I don't know. For now, we will stay put and try to get stuff done around here. This weekend should have been a no brainer for getting stuff done, however it wasn't. The dumpster is almost full there is much more in the yard and the house to take care of. I set out yesterday while the youngest was playing with a friend, to find a wagon and a new rake. Yes, I do realize we have a hardware store where these can be purchased. It was a mission, so the store was a last resort.

The mission almost ended with a store-bought item.

After purchasing this yard cart one of the Facebook sellers responded to my plea for a wagon. I decided that I would go after the wagon in addition to the yard cart. She gave me directions and I countered with a description of my vehicle, and she returned suit with the make and model of her vehicle. I was running a wee bit behind schedule so when I arrived at the appointed public meet-up location a black Toyota 4runner was already parked and waiting. To my surprise the occupant did not seem stirred by my approach to the car. I knocked on the window and a gentleman rolled it down. Still, he looked like he had no clue as to why I was there.

My little pea brain immediately thought that he probably assumed I would be much later and did not realize I was actually there. I smiled and said, "Ready to do the wagon deal?" He stared at me. So not to be discouraged I repeated it a different way. "A wagon deal, you know like a drug deal?" Now I had to explain this, and I elected to just ask him if he had the wagon. He did not. At that moment I checked my phone and the person that was selling the wagon stated that she had given me the wrong meet up place. I apologized to the wagonless man and drove to the place that she directed me to.

The place that she directed me to did not exist. Again, I looked at my phone and she said the address was the original location, so I returned to the scene of the wagonless deal. There was a black Toyota 4runner, albeit not the same one, sitting in the parking lot. I obtained my little red wagon. We both laughed at the odds of there being two black Toyota 4 runners in the same parking lot.

my little red wagon

 I returned to my kiddo who insisted she wanted to spend the night with her friend. I agreed and travelled home.

Sunday arrived and I spent most of this afternoon in town running kids from place to place. I returned home to a small rainstorm, and I raced to get my clothes off the line. Both kids had made plans to spend the night with friends, so again I was sans kiddos for an evening. The rain shower prevented any real work outside. So, I played Pac-Man by myself.

after the storm

I made new friends this weekend, that is two new friend families in one year! A new record for post-army me. I hope to get a few things done this Labor Day, now that I have my tools! With that statement I will close this post and get busy.


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