Plan B

Our helper brought over a fifth wheel this afternoon. It is livable for him. It needs a little, well really a lot of TLC but not near as much as the one I found to have him look at. He was told all the appliances work and it has not been torn apart to "remodel" it is just older, a 1993 model.

This the back end

You can see a broken window
It is not too bad for $500

the left back jack is bent

He does not have a hitch on his truck to tow it, so his nephew brought it over for him.  Hopefully, it will work out and he will help DH get some things done. The kids cleared an area for it, and he seems excited to have some things to keep him busy during the day. There is plenty around here to keep everyone busy!

The master plans for the move are tossed out the window for now. Yet the helper is sure he can get the place ready in four months. I do not believe this but, what if he does? I guess we deal with it when it happens. While I wait, I am going to setup things in the kitchen as if I am not going anywhere any time soon, because I am not.

Yesterday, to my surprise my wheat berries arrived! I looked all over town last weekend for wheat berries. Used to be you could buy them at any health food store. Now, not so much. Do I need to add grinding flour to my list of things to do every week? Probably not. I want to do this. I am excited to get started on my first batch of flour. My daughter is still here so I will share some with her so she can experiment with their food too.

wheat berries!

After a not so quick walk around the yard to list "known to me" projects, I can safely say four months ain't gonna happen. Some projects are definitely weather sensitive. Others can wait. Nature itself may resolve some of them. The small lawn mower has a flat; of course, it does! Because I need to mow down some sage and move 30-gallon trash cans 3/4 full of soil. Today is the dog pen for my BHG. I have already hit roadblocks with the lawn mower. Tools are the next block; I cannot seem to locate the right size socket to disassemble the panels.

My backup project is chicken wire over the runs on the east side of the coop. Again, no wire cutters... I think he secretly hides these things from me. I need to find tools soon or I will have to clean the kitchen instead. I found the correct socket and nail clippers in the toolbox that belongs to DH. Not sure even he can explain the nail clipper thing, so I won't even ask. 

Backup project did not get done

Hey blog, today, Saturday, was a busy day. A whole lot got done, not quite completed, but almost. Tomorrow is another day. To start out my son-in-law and grandson started on the shed early in the morning. As of sunset they had all the walls on and the sheeting for the roof. They took a break while it was really hot and helped us girls with moving the dog pen fence. It turns out we need the extra four panels that another dog pen would provide. To be fair 2 panels might be enough, but they only come in sets of 4. We did not need the backup project and did quite a bit more than just the two projects. 

While I was taking a kid to a friend's house, they were able to start clearing the field where the "pole barn" is planned. A decent dent was made in the items that were there, but there is a whole lot more to go. Tomorrow there will be more focus on shingling the shed and painting it. It will need siding, but I doubt there will be time for that as the storm clouds were already moving in tonight. The guys were able to get quite a few items into the shed before dark.

It was a good thing that the projects went well since I forgot to buy wire cutters while I was at the hardware store. We sent DH to pick up pizza while we made the last adjustments on the dog pen. Sockets of the correct size were almost impossible to find, boxcutters were nonexistent even though we have at least 10. There was a constant "you don't need to do this right now" comments from the peanut gallery and it was time to send the gallery on a mission. Mission accomplished, he returned with the pizza, right after we finished our makeshift pen. Pictures will be added to the next post.

The mess before we started

the dog pen before we started

The thought of moving short of 800 tires vanished for the time being. It will get done, just not sure where it is going to end up on the list of tasks. In the meantime, the younger kids did not want to be left out of the fun, so they built a "couch".

The dirt couch

 so comfy!

Oh, wait it needs a headrest

Just right...

Good night blog.


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