The holiday weekend is coming to a close

It is Saturday and that means only two more days off of school for the kids. This snowy weather makes me appreciate the privilege of homeschooling. We are currently not homeschooling; I just appreciate that idea in this kind of weather. I am not impressed with their current school, but I can tolerate it at this point. It will be interesting to see how the rest of the year goes. Other areas of my life are getting less attention when they deserve more. My Great Aunt went on hospice this week. She is working on 104, she is not quite there yet. A recent respiratory situation has prompted this change, I think it is totally appropriate as it gives her live-in caregivers some extra support. In other news to report, there is nothing. I made bread this week and tomorrow it will become French toast Stix, breadcrumbs, Italian breadcrumbs and maybe more if I can think of anything else, did I mention the loaf was never even cut? I will make a fresh loaf later today or maybe even as...