This week in the rear view mirror


I say this week but really it is this month for me, at least so far. I lost the drive to blog and not doing this simple task has led to weird dreams. For now, I am blaming a lack of blogging for the dreams. If you have read this blog for any length of time, then you know we had planned to move. If you haven't read it, then there is still time to catch up on what you may have missed. Or you can let it go and start from here. 

A few days ago, I decided that I was not going to write about things for a while. The everyday craziness of my world was in overdrive and there was just too much going on. Things have not changed very much it is still way too busy and it is clear that isn't going to change anytime soon. With the first of November behind us and multiple appointments ahead of us, there is little time to ponder what is next. Yet, I still find time to do just that. Of course, it happens when I am asleep, and it comes out in my dreams.

Last night my dreams found me travelling to another state to visit with a friend from high school and the family. While there I also ran into a nurse friend that moved from where I live to work out on the west coast. She happened to be working for the family that I flew out to visit. My classmate was not there when I arrived, so I visited with the spouse and the grandkids, oh and the nurse. It was not clear who the nurse was there for. After a little while it was time to go back home, and I saw my high school classmate as I was leaving. For the most part the dream seemed very real, but it wasn't. I know this because in the dream everybody had Covid, including me and my nurse friend, on waking up I did not have it. Therein lies the proof it was just a dream. :) Vivid in detail at the time, but all the work of an overloaded brain.

One of these days I am going to dream about laundry, and it will actually be done when I wake up. There really are laundry fairies out there somewhere. Last night was the first night we actually locked our doors in, I really don't know when. In the hustle and bustle that is every weekend, I made three trips to town. The first was to take DH to do the things he needed to do and that was supposed to be the end of the trips. Like most weekends it was not. Then the teen wanted to visit with a classmate and the grandfather was going to supervise. While I really did not want to go, I had planned on baking bread and wanted a specific brand of flour, so I agreed to take her.

I decided to pick up the other car at my other house and my granddaughter could drive it back to the house out east. I'll add the story on how the car ended up at the other house a little later. So off we went only to get a text from the friend that they could not hang out as the grandfather had lost his keys. We continued on with the plan to get flour and to move the car. As we came out of Walmart with the flour, a game and a Christmas decoration, the teen got a text that the grandmother would supervise. We headed to the school to meet up.

On the way back home, I watched as my granddaughter drove cautiously in "grampa's car", very cautiously that is. People out here have no patience or consideration for a newly minted driver who, by all accounts, is just trying to be careful. When it was time to go get the teen, I took the tween, and we headed out. As we drove, we had to pull over 10 separate times for sheriff vehicles with lights and some with sirens, but not all. I looked around for signs of disaster and saw nothing. 

As I returned home, I noticed all the sheriffs' cars behind the local gas station and several ambulances. I stopped in at what used to be our general store and got the kids a snack and a soda for myself, no judgement please, it tasted nothing like what I remember. The clerk and I conversed about the commotion, and she said they must be going to make an illegal drug bust, as they commonly meet up there and head to the designated target. We bid each other goodbye and safe wishes. As I turned down the side road towards my home, I wondered what their target was and where it might be. There was an unfamiliar pickup truck stopped alongside the road and normally I would have stopped to offer help, but something this time seemed weird. I brushed it off to seeing all the police cars and seeing the officers suit up with body armor. 

About 4:30ish my neighbor asked if we were flying a drone, I replied no ours burned with the house. She said somebody is flying one over your property. Weird again I thought, but then I just assumed it was one of the neighbors that really just wanted to see what all was at the end of the yard. Not that it made me happy, but people will do what they want regardless of how you feel about it. I decided to leave the front door open so I could hear the girls while they played in the yard.

It came time to take the teen to youth group at the church. I started to turn onto the dirt road where I had noticed the truck earlier only to see a sea of flashing red and blue lights. No going through that way, so I turned the other way and went the long way to the church. I guess the raid was close to home this time. As I returned home, I saw the balance of the sheriffs' cars and the ambulances staged for readiness on the side road about a mile or so north of where the sea of lights started. Still do not know what it was all about. I do know that when I headed out the door to go get the teen it was all over and there were no lights to be seen.

I still at this hour do not know what the fuss was about. Earlier this past week, last Tuesday to be specific, a young neighbor of ours was found deceased in his fifth wheel trailer. He lived in that outside his grandparents' home. He and I had spoken to each other about 5:45 the night before as he had been watching the kids that lived there and my youngest had been there playing with them. I had walked over to get her as it was getting quite dark, and I knew she would be nervous to walk home alone. At that time Blaine had just been getting the three kids that he was in charge of ready to walk mine home, we talked for a minute or so and then said goodnight talk to you tomorrow. He headed into to fix those kids dinner and I walked mine home taking the long way down to the north driveway. No idea that would be the last time I spoke with him.

Just icing on the cake for the week I had already experienced. The first of November DH experienced something that I hope never happens again. There are no words to describe how undesirable the events were. So, I won't try.  It is my mission for the rest of this month to pray that I either be content where I am, or I get the positive sign to move forward with a major move out of state. Bear in mind that the 13-year-old has an "almost boyfriend".

It is a young man from our church, and he is also on the spectrum. They are adorable together and to move them apart at such a young age... breaks my heart. They are not "official" as neither one is technically allowed to "date". At youth group they are inseparable, and he sits behind her or better she sits in front of him at Sunday service. It is cute to see them sitting and talking. 

Who knows how long this will last, but I do know that if we move out of state it will be hard on both of them. Luckily for them the challenges of the "house" in Oklahoma will delay us from doing anything further towards moving.

Our view for the near future

not too shabby

So ends this post for now.


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