Now that we are past the Big day...
To say bah humbug would be inappropriate in this case I would think, but I feel that way. The report is interesting but there was no definitive diagnosis, no concrete it is this or that, just as many questions as there were before the testing. It did reinforce what I already suspected, so there is that. Perhaps this is how things get done... very slowly.
On the way home after the meeting I gave DH three options. First, have lunch; second go home; and third go to the sheriff's office and file some paperwork that he had been wanting to update. The initial request was to go home, after a prompt that the office to file paperwork is close by, he elected to do that. I knew where I was going so, I started in the correct direction and when I was in front of the building, he abruptly stated why are you here?! I replied this is the office to get the paperwork from. He became agitated and stated that it was not the correct office and he had never been in there. I pointed out the lettering for the name of the building and he said no it is further down keep on driving. So, I did. We came to the end of office buildings and into a residential area and he looked to the left and wanted me to turn. The road was not a through street so I said I would turn around. He said when did they put that barrier up.
Next, he pointed to a building across the main road and said I think that is it. So, I took him across the way to the building which 20 years ago was an abandoned school, now it is condominiums. We then travelled north on the main road towards downtown and he looked hard for the building he wanted. He thought he saw it on the right, we turned around. In front of us now were tall apartments that were not there a year ago, these did not faze him. Turn right he almost shouted at me and pointed "this is it" he claimed. What he was pointing to is the operations building for the city police department. I shared what it was, and he reluctantly told me to take him back to the building that I thought it was.
Back to the first building we went. I sent him in and told him there would be three glass windows go up to one of them and ask if you are in the right place, if not get the address from whoever is there, and we will go to the right place. He came back out with the paper that he needed. Well, almost the right paper. He needed cash to pay for his renewal as they only take debit cards with an appointment. On returning to the building to turn in the paperwork there were no parking spots, so I had to drive around the block umpteen times to wait for a spot. When I finally found a spot and parked, I turned the car off to hear his four-prong cane hitting the cement close to the truck. He volunteered that they had given him the wrong form to begin with and he had to fill out the correct form.
We headed to the ice cream place so he could have a large twist cone. Then I headed east... he did not want me to drive all the way home just to turn around and come get the kids. We headed to the commissary, where he left me and took a go cart to the Bx to try and buy ammunition. Luckily there were no clerks available. We then headed to the school to sit and wait for the kids.
Life goes on and DH has thought of many reasons to drive, and I have tried my best to explain why he shouldn't. Again, life goes on. Today is HT for the youngest and there is only one day left in the school week before the holiday break. I need to finalize plans for the week off and get all the laundry caught up. We have been invited to join the travelers for a day or two, and also my other daughter has offered to host dinner at her house. The thought of joining the others is intriguing until I imagine the conversation over the driving part.
I am ready to move. No not in reality, mentally, for a break. I get so frustrated at the whole situation with the county and the stubbornness of one who will not accept help to get things done. Moving on to the big holidays on the horizon I am thankful that we were never "New Year's Eve" kind of people. I cannot and do not want to deal with the anxiety that would produce! Well time to get off my "sit-upon" and get the kids ready for the day that lies ahead.
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