It is Saturday and that means only two more days off of school for the kids. This snowy weather makes me appreciate the privilege of homeschooling. We are currently not homeschooling; I just appreciate that idea in this kind of weather. I am not impressed with their current school, but I can tolerate it at this point. It will be interesting to see how the rest of the year goes.
Other areas of my life are getting less attention when they deserve more. My Great Aunt went on hospice this week. She is working on 104, she is not quite there yet. A recent respiratory situation has prompted this change, I think it is totally appropriate as it gives her live-in caregivers some extra support. In other news to report, there is nothing.
I made bread this week and tomorrow it will become French toast Stix, breadcrumbs, Italian breadcrumbs and maybe more if I can think of anything else, did I mention the loaf was never even cut? I will make a fresh loaf later today or maybe even as late as tomorrow. First, biscuits and gravy. Okay maybe I will add hashbrowns, eggs and sausage patties to that mix.
It is Small Business Saturday. There is nothing I need. Hopefully the economy won't crash because of me. It might though. Things are changing rapidly in my life so a crash of the economy would just be par for the course. Both of my sisters have Glaucoma and now I guess I will go get checked also. Poor kids they really did not get to do anything this vacation. We have just had one event after another happen.
I just returned home from taking the teen to youth group, the roads are so slick I am glad we did not go to town today. Why drive any further than you have to on these roads? Things I did get done this weekend included making turkey broth and onion syrup.
the girls out walking in the cold weather

Better them, than me. It was me yesterday walking the dog around and then running to the front half of 7 acres to stop the truck that was in fact, the dog parents, after the dog had been surrendered to a complete stranger that offered to shelter it. It did not help my cold symptoms nor my ability to sleep last night.
We have had the oxygen available to DH for three nights now and he made it through half of the first night with the machine going and that was the end of that. It is too noisy he says. Tonight, we are going to try using a "D" tank. It is just a cylinder type tank that does not run on electricity. It may not last the entire night, but it will provide some oxygen and his sats are still dropping into the 70's during the night. Dropping into the 70's allows brain cells to die. Telling others this fact is lost on them when they do not believe you.
Good news this morning! The tank did last all night, in fact it barely used any overnight. The bad news is he took the canula off during the night. Not sure how to resolve this issue, maybe just giving him time to get used to it will do the trick.
Today we had planned to go to the store to get just a couple of things, and to test the roads. Tomorrow starts another day of school. Best to be prepared for whatever is between here and town. The "need" list is short, but the overall list is lengthy. Did not even go with the need list. Picked up a couple of things got the kiddos McDonalds and went home. I feel awful. Going to bed early tonight.
Survived the night and the drive to the school today. Forgot there was an HVAC guy coming over today to give us an estimate on what it will take to heat the second floor. Made it through that and it was time to pick up the kids. Dinner was sloppy Joes from the freezer and corn on the cob and chips. No one wanted the chips. My kids are weird. I am still sick, so I am going to bed early. I will add that today I got a stark reminder of my youth. Way back when, my mom told me I could not do several things but two of those things affected the rest of my life in a big way.
Over the weekend my cousin had to put our aunt on hospice. She was told it is a matter of days. She called me and asked me to pass the word to my mom and sisters. I tried one sister, but I did not get through. I called my mom; she informed me that she had already talked to my cousin. Weird because I was pretty sure she had not, but I delivered the message and let her know that the caregivers and our cousin would not be answering their phones, and our cousin would send out one update a day or less if there wasn't any news. I started to just give her the information for the other sister, and she stated I needed to just call her myself. I tried and on the second attempt I reached her. She that is weird I could hear you and mom at the same time.
As usual my mom was up to something. She tells me to call then does it herself. My cousin and I talking breached the security of her having control over who knows what, when or how. This was solidified by the actions she took today. After being asked nicely to not bother the caregivers, she called and left a message for them to call her. The caregiver was so upset by it because Aunt Millie is having a terrible time with how she is doing, and they are not getting any break from their work with her. They are stressed and dedicated at the same time. The caregivers asked my cousin to deal with family questions and that seems fair. She called me to confirm that I passed the message on and then she called my mom to see what the question was.
It seems she bought Aunt Millie a blanket and she wanted to know if she should send it now or wait for Christmas. I felt in my gut that was not the question at all. By the time the truth came out it was more that she was insulted that I was asked to convey information instead of her getting to be "in charge". Just like the majority of my life she once again made sure I knew I wasn't worthy of what I was asked to do. I let my cousin know it was okay and she could tell her instead of me. My cousin is very gracious and quite wise. She has been tasked with what to do and left in charge to decide the plan. This doesn't set well with her older cousin. She was asked what her relationship with me was. Weird, eh? My mom told her she didn't like getting information second hand (aka through me).
Even this many years later it still stings. Good night blog...
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