To be or not to be... that is NOT the question!

 It is the day before Thanksgiving and our plans have drastically changed. We will not be going to my daughter's home, and we will not be having turkey with her. I did manage to find a turkey and it looked smallish to me. Turns out it was only a pound smaller than the smallest one at the commissary. We will go for the bone density test this morning, and I will drop the dog off for groomer at my daughter's this morning on the way to the density test. 

It might be a ham thanksgiving this year if anything at all. I am not complaining. I don't want to clean or cook as no one in this house even eats all the stuff.

That was all yesterday and like everything in my life it changes hourly. We made it to all of our appointments and with the kids in tow! We did not get to any stores, because I do not do stores with kids if I do not have to. The dog got dropped off, the bone density test was done, the equipment for the sleep study got picked up, and 5 D tanks of oxygen. We even managed to pick up a grandkid on the way back home.

All this with a screw in the tire

When the oxygen was picked up, they did not give us any supplies to use it with, so I am not sure why we did the pick-up. In the long run it will be for the best, I am sure. 

The device we picked up to do the overnight study is very similar to the device I bought for home use. That made me feel even better about what I had purchased. Now that it is Thanksgiving Day, I need to get busy making the bread for the meal. No cranberry sauce this year, no brussels sprouts, just a smallish dinner. Hopefully DH will feel up to going, if not we will only go for a short while. I will pick up SIL if she is able to go. It will depend on how she feels also.

Afterall, we do not need to be thankful just one day a year, we can celebrate each day with a thankful heart even for the challenges. They make us stronger, hopefully wiser, and allow us to feel empathy for others.  With that said Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!


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