Black Friday... White Snow

 It is the day after Thanksgiving and the ground is covered. Black Friday shopping is not something I normally do, so this is not an inconvenience for me. We went to my daughter's home for Thanksgiving and a much smaller group of friends and family were there. My son was not feeling well so we took him some leftovers on our way home. Because the meal was not here, I do not have to deal with the leftovers or the post meal drama of what to do with all the leftover food.

But that means no snacking foods either... it is a no-win situation. I get to make fresh food though and that is a good thing. I just tried to go out and return a medical device and the roads were very icy. I decided it was unlike Dunkin' Donuts, not worth the trip. Not to waste getting as far as the General Store I did buy the kids some soda for movie night tonight. We already have lots of popcorn and still some candy available. Now to find a good movie.

the dog is being lazy

Instead of a good movie we found that a cute dog had found our yard. The kids were overjoyed, and the dog was quickly winning them over. The resident dogs were not impressed with the newcomer. I made a video and took some pictures and posted them on Facebook hoping someone would claim the pup quickly. I soon realized that using the neighborhood group would be more advantageous to my quest. I was in the sense that someone offered to shelter the pup until the owners could be located. 

I probably reacted to quickly in agreeing to let her pick up the pup. But my hands were full with the dogs already here and there is no room for another. the kids had taken a leash and walked the pup to the neighbor's house to see if she recognized it. Nope, she did not. She did however think to call a neighbor that had the number for. She stated that she thought dog belong to our neighbors to the north. So, we walked the dog and the kids to the driveway of the house, but there were other dogs there barking and the pup seemed to not want to go up the driveway. Neither did I.

At that point the person that offered shelter had pulled into our driveway. the youngest ran with the dog on the leash and we let the person take the dog away. I sent the girls into the house and started to walk the neighbor back to her fence. It was at that time that I heard the neighbor that lives in the house we started to approach, start their truck up. No mistaking that noise, it starts every morning at 0530. I looked at the neighbor and said, "they never start that truck at night, I bet that is their dog". We headed back across my field and noticed that the truck went west instead of east. That solidified my gut feeling that I had just given their dog to a rescue center. 

I felt terrible. We stopped the truck and asked if they were looking for the dog. Of course, then I had to get a hold of the rescue person. It took a bit, but the dog was reunited with the dog parents. The parents and I exchanged numbers and doggie photos, just in case any other furry friend gets loose.

the friendly dog

For the second time this year a dog has introduced me to neighbors that I did not know. This time without any loss of life.


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