The scariness of holiday time.

 It is an exciting time of year and scary! Especially with kids who believe in Santa. While we do not want to ruin things for them the stress level for us is off the charts. Well for me anyway. How do you keep the fun in "Santa" as the kids get older and have friends that don't "believe". When do you tell them? Or do you? I do not remember anyone "telling" me. 

I am sure with all of the siblings that I had someone must have told me. Or maybe not getting that Easy Bake oven that was so popular did it. I did eventually get it, but it was years later. I do remember my parents being so disappointed that I was not as thrilled with the brand-new bicycle as they were or as my sisters. The pictures they took told the whole story for 3 years. Eventually I must have realized it at some point.

Moving on, the Thanksgiving holiday just days away, leads me to testing recipes looking for a crescent roll that is tasty, easy and foolproof. Mainly because I am the fool that agreed to make them. Everyone liked the no knead dinner rolls that we made two weeks ago. Everyone except me. They were okay.

After the weekend events the item that I had ordered from Amazon arrived. I set it up and had DH wear it to bed last night. After an hour I had to reset the parameters if I wanted to get any sleep. I woke him this morning after breakfast was ready and it still has sounded off twice since then. He is awake and watching a movie.

His doctor office called and asked us to come in and bring the device so they could check it for accuracy compared to their equipment. I think they were surprised at how close it was to theirs. It was nice to know how close it was. Makes me feel a little more secure, I think anyway. We finally received a diagnosis and knowing is half the battle.

not sure why I like this but I do

It is plexiglass or similar stuff 

the cut side of a panel

The kids have been on break for five days now. On the way home from the doctor's office DH suggested we take the kids to Great Wolf lodge, we might. I am trying to imagine the chaos that will be when we add SIL back into the mix. Not sure if DH will be able to help me with her or not. I don't much lately. I think I need to crochet for a bit.


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