Week 3

 Oh, my goodness this week got off to a rough start! My cousin who lives in Florida, has a podcast that I like to try and catch this month she is doing a month-long podcast. Okay I mean every day for a month. I do not get to catch her live very often, but this is Tuesday, and I am getting to listen and watch while she is live. I am excited! (this was started the 3rd week of October)

Now it is election day in the next month. To no one's surprise I misplaced our ballots. Luckily that was taken quite well by my DH. Even more lucky one of our neighbors was willing and able to come and stay with the girls while we drove back to town to vote in person. So, vote we did. Of course, I had to make it complicated and sign my ballot the wrong way. My voter registration is in my real legal name not my sort of legal name, which both are legal, just ... oh never mind it is a long story. Just know that voting took place!

Yesterday, someone played with the electric and today that someone was sent to finish that mess and put up his tools. He did just that. I am shocked no fight or anything, well not today any way.  We had sad news today; our neighbor passed away sometime during the night and was not found until later this morning. He was quite young; it really hits hard when these things happen.

I won't share any of the events of the previous two weeks as it is over and cannot be changed. What is done is done. In fact, this whole blogging thing is just not in me right now. There is too much to do out there and maybe I'll get back to it in the future but for now I will close and say good night, take care and remember you never know what might be next... be ready.


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