How to wash the hair on a four year old ... and live to tell the story

Today is the day I have to wash Lily's hair.  It is a scary day as she HATES to have water put on her head, face or near her ears. We have tried many ways to do this all resulting in tears for hours, sometimes with shampoo remaining in the child's hair for days! In fact she becomes a reflection of a Tasmanian devil as we try to accomplish the needed task!  Most days I must chase her around the house and it just gets ugly.

So if this post does not get finished today, and it may not, I can only hope that we both survive the event that is about to unfold. :)

Good News! We both survived and I even was allowed to brush said four-year olds' hair! The icing on the cake is that she even had a bow in place for about three hours!!  Then all three girls got into the pool and that was the end of clean hair and pretty bows.

All things said it was a good day and off to work I went.  It was supposed to be a short shift but ended up being seven hours instead of four.  Oh well better than eight or ten.

I posted two days ago about my new plants, below are some pictures of the new additions :)
 In the above photo are from the black hose over to the opposite side are a raspberry bush,  a blackberry bush, a blueberry bush and the short leafy one is a coffee bean plant.
 Here is the coffee bean plant by itself.. hope it lives!

And this the Orange Tree.  I really hope this one lives and gives fruit!
Well on that note I think I will close this post and enjoy the little girls before bedtime.  Maybe even get a story in :) Take care and thanks for stopping by!


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