Wow it is June already!  I have not posted since February. I wish I could say I have been so busy making things and getting the garden plants ready... stuff like that but alas no. Life has just been go-go-go. So for the last 3 months or so we have been living in the rat race. Now I am really tired of it!

We did get some garden things ready, potatoes are planted in a raised indoor planter and I have lemon tree sprouts that the girls planted as part or our science classes and they are doing quite well actually. Seriously?! I just went back to upload pictures from my computer... and to my surprise there aren't any uploaded from my phone yet! Grrrr...  We also have a goldfish named Ollie that moved in since my last post. Many things have changed in three months around here. Ollie has had three "tank-mates" over the span of his life so far. He has been the only one to handle living in a pickle jar though. His contributions to the houseplants have been very good for them. Other garden items that have made it so far are some carrots, in a window box, basil in a pot, and three things in the Aero-garden.. parsley, dill and basil.
(above) These are the lemon sprouts that the girls planted for the study on the Days of Creation,
These are the "homemade " raised planters that my dear husband  built on my request. He is easily persuaded lol! These are located in the game room on the second floor.

Our outdoor plants got the usual "hey it's spring!" and then a nice snow storm and freeze hit us. I went out to check on the plants and my four-in-one apple tree did not make it through the winter. Neither did my plum tree. I purchased these at and I did purchase the warranty so now I just need to activate it, they said.  When I spoke to the representative she said I could give them another week to see if they emerge from their slumber or I could ask for the refund now.  I think I am going to wait till the first of the week coming up. I just ordered more plants from them this past Monday.  I can hardly wait for them to arrive! The apple trees I bought from Aafes are doing great! I went there this past week to see what was available and they were sold out of everything. So I went down to Fort Carson to see what the PX had and I was able to get a raspberry shrub, four blueberry plants and two blackberry bushes. YAY!!!
One of the snow storms from the window of my work.... gotta love spring!

Well I decided to take five minutes and upload the pictures from my I know why I haven't blogged in a while!  We have been very busy! I have tried to make sure we have home school lessons done in a timely manner...pretty much I am a failure in "unit" studies. We seem to embrace the "Charlotte Mason" approach and the "Unschooling" road.  Unless I have lessons laid out perfectly DH lets the 7 year old take the lead.  Which totally explains why she rebels with me lol.

Today I did not plan to blog but so much has happened and I needed an unbiased outlet to share with...and since no one ever comments on my blog I just take it that know one really reads it therefore it remains unbiased! At least in my mind it does.  So for now I will close and try to get back later to explain the pickle jar fish and other homeschooling ventures!


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